Dan Ohrlich

Discussion in 'Completed Careers' started by dr.longshot, Jan 20, 2019.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Dan Ohrlic passed away Junuary 18th, 2019, that was yesterday. God Bless his famiily, He is a great loss to Trapshooting.

  2. Walt Hastings

    Walt Hastings Active Member

    Yes, one of the greatest.....
    BTW: The correct spelling of the man’s name is Orlich.
  3. Montana Bob

    Montana Bob New Member

    It's unfortunate that time has a negative impact on the history of some great shooters. When I began shooting Dan Orlich was "The Man" and dominated the trap industry. I believe he was from Reno. Not long after, Britt Robinson, Larry Gravestock (Remington Model 31) became the big names. Then Dan Bonillas was the phenom thereafter. L. Ray Stafford followed and was on the cutting edge. I recall he was instrumental with the unsingle which at the time was off the charts. It's good to see that Stafford is still a player.
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