cheap yardge

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by targetbreaker, Apr 28, 2016.

  1. targetbreaker

    targetbreaker if it goirs bang I probley shot it.

    well the 15 or more rule back in play 2016, the small club that are lucky to get 15 or more shooters,
    Have to give one of them a 1/2 yard every shoot, with scores 90-86 oh they take it griping all the way out the door. but when they get to a big shoot like a State, there on 22 or 23 and say what the heck am I doing this for, I break a 75-80 here, and 100's 98, 97 are high. they lost there love of the sport and quit, or you get the guy who say look at me a long yardage 26-27 got it all at small shoots. best score 90.
    shoots at a big one can not even break a 70.

    what do you all think?
    oleolliedawg and Family Guy like this.
  2. LadyT

    LadyT Mega Poster

    I don't think it's worth the bandwidth or the time it took to type the OP. After all what does it matter to you. Look at it this way there is less competition for you.
  3. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "Cheap Yardage" created some big problems.

    If you avoid "cheap yardage" to be competitive, you are a "sandbagger". If you take the cheap yardage you become a donor. That makes most people who are serious about Trapshooting frustrated at best. Only those with little ability and a big ego like it. The handicap system of 100 or less moves you back, and more than a 1000 to move forward, has long outlived it's need.

    You shoot well enough to be moved to the 27 .... you don't move to the 27 and try to shoot well.

    "After all what does it matter to you." .... well said if you are a Hillary Clinton want-to-be. That IS a waste of bandwidth.
    robb likes this.