Cardinal Center

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Mike Poore, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. Mike Poore

    Mike Poore Active Member

    I just saw the promo video that Luke put up in 2019. It's very well done and accurately describes the Cardnal Center and the many opportunities for visitors. I've visited and shot there many times, and consider it a premiere sporting destination. 1st class, all the way.
    wpt and SanRemo32 like this.
  2. patch 2

    patch 2 Active Member

    Great place, friendly people, terrific background, and perfect location. If I would change anything I would install speed bumps behind every trap on the cart path behind trap fields. It is the only way shoot management could control the crazy speed demons, but that shouldn't be their job. 10 mph is fast enough. Great place to shoot and compete !!!
    wpt likes this.