Cardinal Center - Another Great Experience

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Shotshell99, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. Shotshell99

    Shotshell99 Local Idiot

    I just got home from shooting Practice Trap at the Cardinal Center, and since I haven't shot there since October, I was reminded of how much I enjoy the venue and experience of shooting there. I shoot most of the tournaments there and practice as frequently as time allows, and every visit seems to allow me to recall something I learned during an event, someone new I met, a vendor I visited, or simply the quality of people that work and shoot there. I had a brief conversation in the parking lot with another shooter, and after blasting 100 rounds had some more good conversation with a few folks working the Practice Trap. Always a good visit and never a shortage of positive things to remind me why I enjoy Cardinal.

    For anyone that hasn't visited in a while the construction on the Distribution Center is under way adjacent banks 1-4 so the view / background from those banks will be a bit different for the 2019 season. Also checked the website and the 2019 Shoot Dates are posted.
    oleolliedawg and Garry like this.
  2. smoking357

    smoking357 Mega Poster

    That's right. Today was the first day they were open since October.

    They're open less than an ice cream shop in Mackinac City.
  3. Krieghoff-80

    Krieghoff-80 Well-Known Member

    Did you see any work being done on the Shot Screen? If they get it completed we won't have to worry about the view/background of the Dollar Tree Distribution Center, which will be a good thing.

    And yes, I also enjoy shooting practice trap at the Cardinal Shooting Center.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 29, 2018
  4. Shotshell99

    Shotshell99 Local Idiot

    I didn't see anything at all indicating that the shot screen work was underway but did not go beyond the Practice Trap. Perhaps something is underway if they are starting on the West End working East but I couldn't see any action or indication of any from where I was. I should have asked about it today but didn't even think about it. There is a very slim chance, but still a chance, that I will make it back out there tomorrow. If I do I will ask about the screen and also snap a photo of the 'new view' from bank 3 or 4.