The absolute best wood I have ever seen on a Browning . 30 inch barrels with Briley subgauge 20,28,410 fitted tube sets Use this for any game Currently has a 1/2 inch pad on it and a 14 inch LOP with trigger in center -- put an 1 inch pad on it and you get 14 1/2 You could even hunt with this $3177 and I will cover shipping Gene
The tube set appears to be standard weight,ultra lite tubes have continuous rings or grooves machined the complete length of the tube thus titled ULTRALITE.
They were the very worst tubes they ever made if you don’t think so why do you think they discontinued them ???
Cheetah you have 2 posts and are a troll...Sumaji or one of your other names Call Briley and ask them.. The reason is they cost Briley much more to ma manufacture
G7,I am not a troll as you state the reason Briley ceased manufacturing the Draw Tight tubes is because they were very problematic I have had personal experience with them and the set you have listed are not ULTRALITE as you have stated.I own three complete sets of Briley ULTRALITE tubes.FYI. I only use one sign on name and I just recently joined ATS and I have watched your post for years on TS forums and you are not always correct in you description of what you have for sale.
I have probably owned more that 20 sets of ultralights and some are smooth depending on design needs. Another example is when you have them in a subgauge barrel. You are confusing revolutions with draw tights... The replaced revolutiins fir free You are confusing revolutions with draw tites
And futher .. Draw tites came with either fixed chokes(those are matched weight) or removable choke ultralights like these
G7,the draw tite tubes you speak of were actually cataloged as DRAW-LOCK not DRAW-TITE as you have stated and as you have stated I am not confused about anything that Briley manufactures.With ample funding Briley will manufacture your tube sets configured any way you desire.Briley ceased manufacturing the DRAW-LOCK sets because they were problematic.As you have state that the DRAW-TITE tube sets being the best tube sets BRILEY ever made is not an accurate statement. P.S. the P.M.I received from you is CHILDISH I find you rather amusing !!!!! Kind Regards,Cheetah (post # 4 and counting)
Call Gary Singer at Briley. or talk to the head guy. Gary told me himself that these were the best tube sets they ever made and then they changed to Revolutions ( which were a failure but cheaper) and then because of that they just went back to the original. You are just a scammer with 4 posts and use many names and no my PM was dead accurate . BTW you didn't even know they made two types of draw locks ==
LOL Obviously the same message to each of your weak IDs.. normal cowardly approach of using multiple IDs And you know I womt sell anything to you...