Beretta 68x top single barrel

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Brad Davis, May 25, 2023.

  1. Brad Davis

    Brad Davis Mega Poster

    I have an older top single 32" barrel that is ported and a fixed full choke. It really could be reblued. 250.00 and i will pay shipping.
  2. MDavid

    MDavid Mega Poster

  3. Brad Davis

    Brad Davis Mega Poster

  4. FewLive

    FewLive Well-Known Member

    I will take it.
    Sent you a PM.
  5. Brad Davis

    Brad Davis Mega Poster

    Guys i appologize as i am told this is a Mark II barrel not a 68x series. After doing some research it appears to indeed be a Mark II barrel. I will change the listing to reflect this.