Any Idea Who this Lucky Winner is?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker, Sep 4, 2021.

  1. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader


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    History Seeker and cwtech like this.
  2. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    Looks like Dave Berlet.
  3. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    At the Middletown Sportsman's Club on September 12th, 1965 in what I believe to be the Industrial Shoot: "High Gun- Dave Berlet- Hannifin Press Co.- Wapakoneta, Ohio, Jim Dee (Winchester Franchise Operations) and Don Neer (Executive Director of N.I.R.A.) congratulate Dave."
  4. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Thanks Tim !!!

    Dave is one good fellow !