I'm just a tad away from being 82, I had spinal fusion from L1-S1- 21/2 years ago. And the big problem is I'm letting go of my release early @ times-- Big ?--whats up besides getting old ? I'm a one-eyed shooter.
Found out why I couldn't hit targets-the trigger on my Infinity had speeded up, took it out of the gun, gave it a good douche with Brake Cleaner & another miracle, I can now hit left hand targets again-I'm saying thank you Jesus, Wildcat & I'm Jewish
Yep, when you have a a gun with the fastest lock time & the release gets light you will short shoot a lot of targets to the left if you're a right handed shooter.
If you shot a Seitz or an Infinity, Mach One with a straight striker firing system, learn how to clean the trigger adjust it if it needs it and DO NOT LUBE IT
Thanks to Fuzzy Moore, he told me how to adjust the trigger timing on my Infinity, slowed the timing just a tad & NOW the gun is shooting just right for me.
If you shoot a release trigger it is a very good idea to always have a trigger scale in your gun case. If your shooting doesn't seem quite up to snuff the first thing to do is check your trigger just to make it is letting off at the ounces you want and need. If your problem is not your release then you can go from there. Dave Berlet
Thanx, Dave a Shooting bud of mine does that on his Seitz monthly--I shoot a release & I'm getting a trigger scale.
Very simple. You pull the trigger until the scale (trigger) sets and then very slowly take pressure off the scale until the trigger fires.