4 Sale: Perazzi 29.5" Low rib Barrels with Full Length Briley Tubes, #143,3xx 18.6 bore, low channeled rib, 99+% bluing Briley tubes 20, 28,410g Chokes are as follows, 12g Briley thin wall flush chokes- 8x 12g - 2xSK, 1xIC, 1xLMod, 2xMod, 1xIMod, 1x Full Tube chokes 20g - 2x-.004, 2x-.006 28g - 2x-.004, 2x-.006, 1xSK, 2xIC, 2xLMod, 1xMod, 1xIMod, 1xLF 410 - 2x-.004, 2x-.006 $3500.00 with a new Negrini case or $3100 without case Included are choke tools, hammer and punches for the sub gauges. Ships from Rehoboth, Ma