Does anyone know how far from the 16 yd line , is the shot curtain @ the Cardinal Center ? A new range is thinking about installing one and they need some advice
The Search Forums option on our site might help. Key words, shot curtain. I remember someone asking that same question a while back. Just a WAG but from looking at the pictures of the construction and then the finished job I would say 115 yards from the 16 yard line Like I said, just a WAG
Luke made a presentation to the OSTA Board prior to the shot screen being installed. If my memory serves me correctly, he stated that the manufacture recommended the shot screen be 90 yards from the front of the trap house. The Cardinal Center decided to install it at 120 yards from the trap house because of something to do with lead reclamation. Tim Hunsaker
The company that supplies the bulk of the fabric used in shot curtains in the U.S. says their product will perform down to 80 yards but the recommended distance is more like 100 - 110 yards. Less than 100 yards will shorten the life of the fabric. At 100 yds shot patterns are about 30 ft. high, generally speaking (lots of variables though). I did bldg permit plans for two shot curtain projects in central California, both up & running.