What will U do if Biden wins

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by 635 G, Jun 26, 2020.

  1. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    I, will liquidate all my equities,keep all my tax free muni's and will not pay one cent of taxes to a Demo-rat gov't--I'm retired @ 77 yrs of age I don't give a rat's ass -no heirs-more than enough to keep my wife's next boy friend happy
  2. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    I'll forget loading 7 1/2s and start loading 00 buckshot with buffer mix.
  3. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    I can tell you what I won't be doing … I won't be moving to Canada ,,,,
  4. bpd20

    bpd20 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Probably make changes to my investments as I think the stock market will tank very rapidly. Biden will not be good for the economy and taxes will rise. He already said he would raise taxes and eliminate the Trump tax cuts, so hang on for a long, bad ride.
    steelheader likes this.
  5. rbdjr

    rbdjr Well-Known Member

  6. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    He has to win first!
    steelheader likes this.
  7. Maser

    Maser ∞ Based ∞

    Will be a typical day for me. No need to worry because our country has survived much worse than Biden.
    billt and snooky like this.
  8. 99PLUS

    99PLUS Well-Known Member Founding Member

    [QUOTE="Maser, post: 88031, member: 3705" No need to worry because our country has survived much worse than Biden.[/QUOTE]
    Are you sure about that?
  9. Maser

    Maser ∞ Based ∞

    Nope, I'm not sure. I'm positive.
  10. 99PLUS

    99PLUS Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Tell me what was worse than Biden getting elected and totally ruining this GREAT country
  11. Shepherd 606

    Shepherd 606 Member

    change 401k investments
  12. mac1

    mac1 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    get ready for the shoot out, because it is coming, the country first off will burn our flag and the liberal mob will come after the guns and I will give them mine but it will have a present preceding it. Amen to 635 G I to am in his same boat 75 enough to live on and don't give a damn

    steelheader and firewater like this.
  13. firewater

    firewater Active Member Founding Member

    Hey Phil,you kicked anybodys ass down at the Villages yet ?
  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


  15. Shooting Coach

    Shooting Coach Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Sell the MSSA (Military Style Semi-Automatic) firearms for much more than they are worth before laws change, and hang tight to do what I can to continue shooting clay targets. Like several folks who posted earlier, I am 70, and have enough to live on.

    Too old to run, too crippled to fight. Will not tolerate a mob of thugs looting and burning where I live. Am trained to handle that situation enough to make some regret "going along with the crowd." That's all I have to say about that.
  16. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    The prospect of CRAZY, SENILE, joe winning is bad enough.

    Here is what really scares me. He claims he is picking a female for vice president.

    IF, and I say IF, he gets in how long will it take for the DEMORAT congress to say he is "unable" to serve due to health reasons and the vice president has to take over. The same bunch of women that touted him as the "savior of the country" will be the first ones to say he is batshit crazy and needs to step down.

    And there boys and girls is what the DEMORATS have wanted for years.