Ohio State Shoot 2020 OSTA Official* (June 22-28) REVISED DATE (continuing updates) SHOOT IS ON

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Tim Hunsaker, May 9, 2020.

  1. Tim Hunsaker

    Tim Hunsaker Member Current OSTA President

    The OSTA Board of Directors and Officers conducted a conference call on May 2nd. As you can imagine, we had several items that needed to be discussed and I would like to update you on those items:

    -Zone Shoots: since the Zone Shoots were canceled, no Zone Teams will be established for 2020. The Zone Shoot trophies will be utilized for the 2021 Zone Shoots with the designation “2020/21”.

    - Zone Elections (Directors): the election of Zone Directors will take place on Saturday of the Ohio State Shoot. Each Zone will be required to staff the ballot box and certify the ballots. Shooters will be updated as the process & times are developed.

    - ATA Delegates & OSTA Director-At-Large Elections: these elections will be conducted on Saturday of the Ohio State Shoot.

    - State Team Requirements: the requirements to be considered for the 2020 State Team have been modified. The requirements: a shooter is not required to shoot the 400 targets at the Zone Shoot, the shooter is required to shoot the 400 Championship Targets at this year’s State Shoot, target requirements for consideration are 500/500/500 (singles/doubles/handicap) for ALL categories.

    - State Shoot Dates: another conference call will be conducted on May 16th to discuss and vote on the dates of the 2020 State Shoot. The June dates will be discussed and voted on with the dates of July 20-26th to be considered as alternative dates (If needed).

    Hopefully, this post finds everyone safe and healthy! As everyone knows, the events going on in Ohio, and around the globe, has affected all of us to some degree. The OSTA’s goal is to host a State Shoot that shooters, visitors and guests can be proud of.

    Tim Hunsaker

    2020 OSTA President

    This information has been revised. It is only left for historical reference.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2020
    History Seeker and cl3 like this.

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    GOOD JOB TIM AND THE BOARD. I personally think the board has made all the right decisions under the conditions for the shooters, This is not an easy task under these conditions this year. Hopefully we are heading in the right direction.
  3. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    Special thanks to OSTA President Tim Hunsaker for his dedication and efforts to get this information to the ATA and OSTA members.
    History Seeker likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Tim smart and good move to keep everyone informed about this year's shooting season. Thank you for keeping everyone informed, it's going to be a tough year for trap shooting.
  5. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Thanks Tim. I'm glad to see you post something. Everyone is wondering if the state shoot will be and if it is when it will be. Very glad to see your post and please try to keep the shooters informed. There are so many things that are worrying so many shooters about what will come about in our sport this summer, not to mention many other things to worry about even more important in the overall scheme of things than shooting. Also many of our political opponents would like this stay home deal to continue as long as possible believing that it will hurt our president Trump.

    Dave Berlet
  6. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    Thanks for the update Tim. Keep them coming.
    History Seeker likes this.
  7. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    Bump for one of the great shoots
  8. Tim Hunsaker

    Tim Hunsaker Member Current OSTA President

    The OSTA Board of Directors will hold a conference call on Saturday morning. Once the call is complete and some decisions are reached, I will let this site know the results.

    Tim Hunsaker
    2020 OSTA President
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  9. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member


    Thanks for keeping everyone updated. I watched the Governor’s press conference today and they said campgrounds could open next week. Fingers crossed!
  10. Tim Hunsaker

    Tim Hunsaker Member Current OSTA President

    That was the first good news that we have gotten for what seems like a very long time. Agreed, fingers crossed.....

  11. Tim Hunsaker

    Tim Hunsaker Member Current OSTA President

    The OSTA Board of Directors conducted a conference call, this morning, and the Ohio State Shoot dates was the main topic of conversation. After a lengthy discussion, a vote was conducted and the Board of Directors voted to hold the Ohio State Shoot on June 22- 28, 2020. Take care, stay safe and enjoy your family. I hope to see you at the Cardinal Center next month!

    Tim Hunsaker
    2020 OSTA President
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2020
    cl3, wpt, Roger Coveleskie and 3 others like this.
  12. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    Wow, that is great news! Thanks for the update.
  13. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    great job guys

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Thanks for the updates.
  15. T Jordan

    T Jordan Well-Known Member V I P

    I hope they open the border by then. I think I have only missed one Ohio State Shoot in 39 years.
    wpt, Roger Coveleskie and Don Cogan like this.
  16. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    I hope you and Nancy can make it down this year, Terry. If it won’t get you into too much trouble with the Mrs. I’m sure the Judge or Bob will have a nice cigar waiting for you. And of course you know my bar is always open for ya!
    T Jordan likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Terry I see the US and Canada extended the border shutdown for non essential travel through June 22 today. You'll have to find some essential reason for coming to the CC. I don't know if you will have to be quarantined for 14 days or not and you can't get to Ohio without traveling through communist New York or communist Michigan anyhow. Their Governors are both democrat wack jobs.

    I guess I probably won't be seeing you and Nancy this year.
    T Jordan and wpt like this.
  18. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    I am looking into "event entries close when the last squad takes the firing line", at the Ohio State Shoot. Once I receive more information on this issue, it will be posted. Thank you for your input because we are listening.

    Tim Hunsaker
    OSTA President
    wpt, just joe and BRAD DYSINGER like this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Tim holding the Ohio State Shoot on the scheduled days is a great shot for freedom. I can't see how the governor has the balls to tell anyone who can or can't open. If shooters want to come to Ohio and shoot, good for them and the OSTA, if they are afraid of a virus stay home, it's a free country and I'm glad you all are standing up for that which to me is even more important than just a trap shoot.

    I hope that there are a lot of trap shooters who say to hell with the piss ant politicians and come to your state shoot. It might be the biggest ata shoot of the year with what is happening in Illinois. My advise to you and the board is go after all those trap shooters who are pissed at their states stay at home hiding orders. Invite them on here personally to come to Ohio and celebrate American Freedom doing what they love smoking clays.

    I have been going to Defiance throughout this stay at home orders and it looks to me that most people around here have called Bull Shit and are out living their lives again. I noticed this about the first weekend of May. We flatten the curve, which is what they wanted so it's time to go back to living. Good Luck and keep up the fight and the info.

    Brad Dysinger Past OSTA President and Tournament Director
    patch 2 and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  20. Dick_Erter

    Dick_Erter Active Member


    Call me from the hospital.

  21. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The OSTA and R.J. Stuart worked together in order to resolve any issues around the cutoff times for each event. On page #17, section "E" of the Ohio State Shoot program states, "Event entries close when the last squad takes the firing line." There will be no times related to the closure of entries, except for the handicap on Sunday. With every other event, R.J. Stuart will contact our Tournament Director, Dennis Filo, prior to closing the entries for every event so he can make sure the last squad for that event has taken the firing line. Hopefully, this will eliminate some of the issues.

    Tim Hunsaker
  22. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    Again, another great job by Tim and the OSTA Board. I call it the "common sense" rule. Tim, I would suggest looking at a process all the watering holes (bars) around here use. "LAST CALL". YOU GOT 1 HOUR (can be anything everyone is comfortable with, maybe it's 30 minutes) TO GET YOUR ENTRY IN AND PAID FOR. I think you need to use the PA and announce it. Eliminates all the bitching and whining. I do not want to hear it, it was announced, were you listening!!!! Just a thought and my opinion.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  23. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    Shooters should start thinking about pre-squadding on RJStuart.com for the Ohio State Shoot: " Request forms received before or including May 31 will be given equal priority and drawn at random. All request forms received after this date will be processed by received date. No request forms will be accepted after June 15."

    Tim Hunsaker
    OSTA President
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Tim I was told by someone who could possibly know but could just as well be BS that the cardinal center still needed the Marrow County Health Board's Oakie Dokie to hold the state shoot. Do you have any info on that, or is just a rumor from some Ohio hater?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  25. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Me wait to hear if big chiefs have answer

    Talking Wire.jpg
    wpt, just joe and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  26. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The Cardinal Center is in contact with the Morrow County Health Department, as well as the State Health Department, so that guidelines and restrictions can be followed. The health and safety of the shooters, visitors and staff are of the utmost importance to the OSTA and the Cardinal Center. Once the guidelines/restrictions are established, I will post them on this site.

    Tim Hunsaker

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Thanks Tim for the updates. It's important to keep the troops in the loop.
  28. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


    Dead troopers.jpg
    wpt and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  29. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    Morgan Optical says they will be at Ohio and PA! Stop and say hi to Tom!
    Grocery Guy and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  30. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    These are the guidelines and restrictions the Cardinal Center will be utilizing at ALL of their shoots for this 2020:

    The Purpose
    The purpose of this document is to inform the customers, vendors and government agencies of the
    new standards and procedures of the Cardinal Center Campground and Shooting Facility for the 2020
    Shooting and camping season. To comply with the standards and procedures set forth by Governor
    Dewine and Dr. Acton, the Cardinal Center has already postponed and cancelled all shoots in the
    month of May to help slow the spread of Covid-19. The plan for the Cardinal Center is to host its first
    shoots in the Month of June. The Cardinal Center is taking all steps necessary to ensure that, to the
    best of our ability, that social distancing and other guidelines will be met to help stop the spread of
    covid-19 for all customers, employees and vendors at our facility. Lined out in this document will be
    how the Cardinal Center plans to comply with the government orders that were set forth.
    The Facility
    The Cardinal Center is a campground and shooting facility that encompasses all disciplines of the
    shooting industry and a state of the art campground that boasts over 500 campsites that help
    facilitate the travelers who come to our facility from across the country to compete in shooting
    sports. The Cardinal Center Campground and Shooting Center is an outdoor recreation facility that
    sits on approximately 500 acres that contains, 3 sporting clays courses, 14 skeet fields, 52 trap fields,
    an international trap bunker 503 campsites and multiple types of pistol shooting courses. The 52 trap
    fields sit on a 1 mile long trap line that have numerous leased vendor spaces and 3 leased vendor
    buildings. The facility also has a central registration building to help facilitate registrations for the
    large shooting events that occur during the summer.
    The Events
    In the summer of 2020, the Cardinal Center will be hosting the Scholastic Clay Target Program
    Regional from June 19th to June 21st, the Ohio State Trapshooting Association Trapshoot from June
    22nd to June 28th, the Scholastic Clay Target Program National Shoot from July 11th to July 18th, the
    Ohio Sporting Clays Championship from August 13th to August 16th, the Cardinal Classic from August
    18th to August 23rd, and the Buckeye Classic from September 16th to September 20th.
    These events will have competitors from all over the country, and the Cardinal Center plans to host
    these events to the upmost standards in health and safety.

    The Plan
    The Cardinal Center will be implementing a new plan for operations during theCovid-19 pandemic.
    Due to the sheer amount of shooters that we get for this event, we felt that we needed to make sure
    that all shooters and employees are kept safe. Although this is an outdoor recreation facility spread
    over 500 acres, we feel that there will be a strong need to stop the congregating that occurs and to
    make sure that customers maintain social distancing. The Cardinal Center will hire employees whose
    main job function is to ensure the health and safety from covid-19 for all of the people on the
    grounds. These employees will travel through the facility to help enforce the guideline set forth by
    the Ohio Department of Health’s orders. They will help make sure that customers and employees are
    maintaining the social distancing guidelines throughout the shooting weeks. We also will strongly
    encourage customers and shooters to wear masks while entering any building where they could
    come into close contact with any person, whether it be the restrooms, vendor buildings or Central
    Entry Building. We will have hand sanitizer available at all of the high traffic areas. During the large
    national level shoots, Morrow County EMS has staff on the grounds that can help in any medical
    emergency situation that may arise. In certain locations on the grounds, there are shelter houses that
    contain picnic tables. All picnic tables will maintain a distance of 6 feet to enforce social distancing
    guidelines and we are recommending that there are no more than 4 people per picnic table.

    The Campground Office
    Cardinal Center Campground is following all orders set forth in the Health Order which is attached to
    the back of this plan.
    During the times of the shoots, the camp office on the grounds gets congested with customers trying
    to register their campsites and get the forms signed that allow them to camp at our facility. This year
    we implemented a new Point of Sale system that is cloud based that will allow us to check-in campers
    outside of the normal campground office. We have a completely wireless program that will allow us
    to move workers outside of the current office to comply with the standards set forth in the new order
    that allows campgrounds to operate during the impact of Covid-19. Our current operation is that we
    have an employee at the main entrance of the campground with a tablet that will allow the camper
    to check in from their vehicle. We then have them sign the tablet for confirmation and sanitize the
    tablet after each use. We have also moved our camp office into our indoor recreational area which
    allows us to move campers through one set of doors for an entrance and another set of doors for an
    exit. This also allows us to maintain the 6-foot social distancing guidelines. If a camper needs anything
    from our camp store, a camp office worker will go into the regular camp office, pick up the product
    and bring it to the camper in our temporary camp office set up to maintain social distancing
    guidelines. All employees in the camp office are required to wear masks at all times. This will allow us
    to maintain safety during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Registration Building
    The Cardinal Center recognized that the registration for a shoot would be the most challenging
    portion to comply with social distancing guidelines. We have developed a plan that would limit the
    building (which has a total maximum occupancy of 107 people) down to 30 people and would allow
    for social distancing in the 3 different stages of registration. In a normal year, we would have 6
    cashiers, 6 squadders, and 4 classifiers. We have cut all of these numbers in half and will have 1
    employee per 6 foot table. This will allow for 8 customers to be in the building for registration at a
    time. We also are installing plexiglass dividers to separate customers from employees. All of the
    people working in the registration building will be wearing PPE. Hand sanitizer will be provided at the
    work stations due to the cashiers handling cash transactions with customers. We will be applying ‘X’s
    on the ground and arrows to show where customers should stand and the path to move from station
    to station to complete the registration process. The customers will wait and enter at the north
    entrance and move through the stations to the south entrance for the exit. One of the time
    consuming aspects of registration is the squadding portion. To relive that stress, we are encouraging
    customers to Pre-squad events online and also to register for their events a week at a time. We are
    also expanding the hours for registration to allow customers more time to register under the social
    distancing guidelines.

    Due to some of the vendors being from out of the State of Ohio, and leasing space at the Cardinal
    Shooting facility, all vendors are being sent the guidelines for operating a retail outlet in the state of
    Ohio during the Covid-19 pandemic.
    The Cardinal Shooting facility offers as a service to our customers, space at the Cardinal Center to be
    leased out to different companies and organizations that either supply products or services to the
    shooters during the events or food services for the shooters to consume during the shooting event.
    The Cardinal Center offers these services in either outside space or in the vendor buildings. We
    implore that these outside organizations comply with the guidelines set forth in the attached health

    Shoot Operations
    During the actual shooting for the event, maintaining social distancing is easy to accomplish. On a
    shooting pad, which consists of 5 shooters, the competitors never shoot at a position that is closer
    than 9 feet. The attached diagram shows the layout of a shooting platform in which we have 52 at
    our facility.

    We will use the health and safety advisors to help enforce social distancing while shooters are
    switching fields. Also during a shooting event, the scorekeepers will be wearing PPE when a
    competitor has to sign a score sheet. Another precaution we are taking is moving our trophy room to
    a table outside due to the constraint of room size of our trophy room. The competitor will then pick
    up his trophy from an outside table after he was won an event. At the end of every shooting day, to
    break ties in the events, there are shoot-off fields that determine outright winners of events that
    contain bleachers for spectators. All of the bleachers will be blocked off to ensure that there are no
    spectators of the events.
    This is the comprehensive safety plan that the Cardinal Center will implement at all of its shoots for
    the upcoming competition shooting season. The goal of the Cardinal Center is to provide an outdoor
    recreation entertainment event that adheres to the Ohio Department of Health guidelines in reference to
    Non-Contact sports.

    Tim Hunsaker
    wpt, BRAD DYSINGER and BIG PAPA like this.
  31. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    looks like a good plan. now all we need is folks to be patient and understanding that everything will not be perfect, but it sure beats not getting to shoot at all. Everyone should be thankful for the effort that everyone has put into this plan. Thank you cardinal center leadership team and OSTA board.
    wpt likes this.
  32. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Hmmm, I wonder what the turn out will be like
    Ohio traffic jam.png
    wpt, History Seeker and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  33. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    The only thing I can add to that is:

    Be sure while you are there to visit one of the BEST Trapshooting Hall Of Fame Museums in the USA.

    Betty Peterson and all of the people who work with her to keep that Museum going can stand very proud of the history of the sport they provide. My understanding is they are almost bursting at the seems with articles donated, and that is a good thing.

    Thanks Tim for all the updates, and to Betty and the group who are keeping Trapshooting History in the forefront.
  34. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The History Seeker is spot on about the HoF and the museum curator, Betty Peterson. If you haven't had the chance to walk through the OSTA HoF, please do so..................

    Tim Hunsaker
    wpt, robb, Tom Machamer and 2 others like this.
  35. PJR

    PJR Member

    Would there be a way to cut out the classification step? Wondering if there is a software that those who are squadding or cashiering could use to incorporate the classification into those steps? It eliminates that station and perhaps lessens the time and crowding. Personally I have not registered any targets since Middletown in September. Had plans for other shoots this Spring but that just didn’t work out for us, did it? Probably a lot of guys in similar situation. But with the online reporting of targets to the ATA most should be up to date anyway in terms of their classification.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    With no target requirements I would have shooters self classify. All the years I classified at Cardinal shoots the vast majority of shooters thought they were higher classed than they actually were when I'd ask them what class do you think you are. Trap Shooters are for the most part very honest.

    Of course you have the odd man out target claimer who becomes president of the ATA, or the friends from different states that switch cards and shoot from the others yardage at big Vegas money shoots, or even the mountain folk who send in scores having never shot anything, but they are the exception.

    It's really hard to stop cheating but if a shooter would self classify and obviously do it wrong to win just DQ him or her. Check the winners and high scores to see if they are honest.

    Also with the sigh up situation I say either pre squad or when you're let in the building you take the next available spot. If the CC doesn't do those thing the lines will get out of hand very fast with any kind of crowd at all.

    Brad Dysinger Ex OSTA President, EX Ohio State and Cardinal Center Tournament Director
    Don Cogan and wpt like this.
  37. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    There have been many questions and inquires as to the status of the Ohio State Shoot since the Governor extended his order on May 29th. I want to make this perfectly clear: unless the Cardinal Center locks the OSTA out or the State of Ohio intercedes, THERE WILL BE AN OHIO STATE SHOOT ON JUNE 22-28th 2020! If either of those things should happen, I will post that information on this site, ASAP. The OSTA Board of Directors is committed to working with the Cardinal Center to achieve this goal. We have listened to the shooters and we strive to meet those needs. From an organizational standpoint, this has been a very trying Spring/Summer but we are not to the finish line, just yet...................................

    Tim Hunsaker
    2020 OSTA President
    wpt and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  38. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    "unless the Cardinal Center locks the OSTA out'
    Chances of that are probably REALLY slim

    "or the State of Ohio intercedes,

    That one is scary.

    I hope you guys get to shoot in a record breaking size event. It sure would put a smile on my face to see more people there than that outpost in ILLnews come August. That is IF they can hold that shoot in August.
    wpt likes this.
  39. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    If the situation continues as it has been the State of Illinois won't be there come August ... The Governor has called in the National Guard to quell the rioters (protesters) that have all but destroyed parts of the business districts saying they are going to the suburbs to get what is theirs ... This sounds like the perfect /reason situation for AK 47's and or AR -15's ...
    No body obviously got the message there is a curfew and National Emergency going on ... WPT ... (YAC) ...

    Just talked to a family member (1:30 PM Arizona time) who lives in Illinois, the riots continued up the North shore into the Northern suburbs of Chicago, they obviously didn't bother reading about the curfew ... Not good ...
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2020
  40. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The OSTA Board of Directors and the staff of the Cardinal Center welcomes everyone to the 134th Annual Ohio State Shoot!

    Tim Hunsaker
  41. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    Thanks for keeping us updated. We plan to be there no matter what as long as the campground is open. Sorry that you are having to go through this during your presidency but you are doing a great job for the shooters! Just think, all this extra work on your part will earn you a “Past President” OSTA hat. I wonder if Dysinger ever got his Past Pres hat?
    wpt, History Seeker, PJR and 4 others like this.
  42. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    Thank you for those kind words!

    Tim Hunsaker
    PJR and just joe like this.
  43. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The Cardinal Center received notification, today, from the Morrow County Health Department that "they are good to hold the Shoot!" The OSTA Board of Directors and the staff of the Cardinal Center are excited to see all of you at the 134th Annual Ohio State Shoot.....................................

    Tim Hunsaker
    2020 OSTA President
    wpt and BIG PAPA like this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    See you their on HOF day.
  45. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    WOW, I am ready. Just finished loading another flat of shells. I can smell the gun powder already.
  46. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    As the time gets closer, the OSTA is tying up some loose ends in anticipation of a great week of shooting. Please have patients, upon your arrival, as we all try and work through the new processes the Cardinal Center has in place. Come and enjoy yourselves! If there is anything we can do to make your stay with us more pleasant, just approach a Director and explain the situation. If we can help, we'll do so. Thanks again to everyone, your support has not gone unnoticed.

    Tim Hunsaker
  47. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member


    Took your advice and pre-squadded for the entire shoot. Hopefully many others did the same and that should help reduce the amount of shooters needing to get into to the entry building. I suggested to Bubba that we move two classification computers outside under the porch on the north side of the entry building. That would allow extra computers to be used inside the building for squadding and paying and get the shooters through quicker. I thought I read somewhere that the entry building would be open a little longer than normal on Monday? I plan to classify and pay for the entire week on Monday. That way I won’t need to go into the C.E.B. at all during the shoot. If everyone does what they can to reduce their trips into the C.E.B. it will go a long way towards helping the shoot run smoother.
  48. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader


    I would recommend that everyone follow your lead! R.J. Stuart has been nothing but helpful throughout this entire process. We are all facing "firsts" and R.J. & the Cardinal Center are pioneers in establishing guidelines to protect the shooters, visitors and employees. Thanks for all of your input and feedback because like I had posted earlier: we are listening!

    Tim Hunsaker
    History Seeker and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  49. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    For all of the fathers out there: enjoy Father's Day and we'll see you the next week at the Ohio State Shoot!

    Tim Hunsaker
  50. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    I also presquaded the entire shoot. Works very easy and very fast. Let's all pitch in a try to help each other out. We want this to be a great shoot so consider being part of the gang who made it work!!!!!!
  51. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    The Kansas State shoot has been up in attendance all week. Way up. Hopefully that’s a sign of good things to come!
    Family Guy likes this.
  52. Robert Zimmerman

    Robert Zimmerman Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I wish we could prepay and do classification online to,
  53. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    For those shooters who were planning on attending the Grand American but may have changed their minds with the recent developments, please consider attending the 134th Annual Ohio State Shoot at the Cardinal Center. The OSTA and the Cardinal Center would welcome you with open-arms: June 22nd-28th. It's not too late to make reservations or to secure camping spots. Just food for thought.....................................

    Tim Hunsaker
  54. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Shooters, Consider the C.C. it has much more to offer than the Sparta area. I have been to both many times and the C.C. is No. 1. Try it you will love it. Roger C.
  55. Rob 111

    Rob 111 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I believe with the right person advising mr Fishburn ,and the right person to negotiate without any pre conceived ideas,the grand could be at the Cardinal, and it would be both advantageous to All concerned
  56. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The SCTP Regional shoot will be held at the Cardinal Center June 19-21st. The golf cart and trailer, which will be raffled off at the State Shoot, was delivered to the Cardinal yesterday and put on display. Everything is coming together.

    Tim Hunsaker
  57. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    why would you want that. TheCardinal Classic will be bigger than the grand. We are going to have a great state shoot and the SCTP National Shoots are at the CC.

    Keep Gipson and the ATA crony corruption in Linn Creek for 10 more years.

    I am packing for Ohio State shoot. You can’t miss this one.
  58. Dustin Sacksteder

    Dustin Sacksteder Active Member

    Are golf carts available to rent for a day? I've never been to the Ohio state shoot or any state shoot for that matter. Me and buddy are going up to pick up an order and check things out.
    Roger Coveleskie and Family Guy like this.
  59. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    Yes, if you want to reserve a cart call Eagle Golf Carts 1-888-432-3059.
    Family Guy and Dustin Sacksteder like this.
  60. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    Just two exits south of the Cardinal Center On I71 there are a few thousand hotel rooms and every possible restaurant your heart can desire. The largest shopping center in the state of Ohio is also right there. They got it all. So, call and get a room and attend the Ohio State Shoot.
  61. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The SCTP Regional got off to a great start with wonderful weather: they will be shooting trap tomorrow (20th).

    Tim Hunsaker
  62. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    The OSTA would like to welcome all the Michigan trapshooters to our State Shoot. Just heard about the Health Department pushing your shoots back. Please, come South and enjoy our shoot, we are looking forward to seeing you!

    Tim Hunsaker
    Roger Coveleskie and Family Guy like this.
  63. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    IMHO. the ATA has finally lost being the leader in registered shooting. Their mismanagement coupled with their lack of knowing how to run a member business has finally led to the members not having any faith in their management of the association. The move to Sparta, the H.O.F. fiasco, the freezing out of any membership direction, the need to know bull shit, among many other underhanded moves has finally come to a not so good end for the shooters. The self servers have run an honorable association in to the ground. May they all be remembered for their actions. History will. Roger C.
    wpt and Seitz1113 like this.
  64. Seitz1113

    Seitz1113 ETA Organizer

    Roger... your opinion is shared by many shooters and shooters who have left the sport we all love, that is being destroyed by the current inept and corrupt leadership of our beloved sport. It's about time we the members take back control of the ATA and let the members decide on issues that have major impacts on our sport. Years ago my son who shot for almost 20 yrs told me what the ATA stands for ...All Them Assholes ..... and now I see he was right!!
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  65. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    thanks for the shoot pin being made in the USA.
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  66. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    We try our best........................
    Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  67. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    This is the best job of communication to members I have seen in 30 years. Great effort. I hope this continues. Great job by PA also.
  68. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader


    Thank you for those kind words!

    Tim Hunsaker
  69. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    6/24/20 Update

    IMO, Considering everything that has been going on for the last 3 months the early entry numbers from R.J. Stuart don't look too bad.

    Event #1.....100 Singles......325
    Event #2.....100 Caps......…305
    Event #3.....100 Doubles.....195

    Event #1....100 Singles...….263 (-62)
    Event #2....100 Caps......….295 (-10)
    Event #3....100 Doubles......234 (+39)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2020
    wpt and rookieshooter like this.
  70. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader



    Event # 4....100 Caps...….669
    Event #5.....100 Singles....668

    Event # 4....100 Caps...….615 (-54)
    Event # 5....100 Singles....652 (-16)
    Roger Coveleskie, wpt and just joe like this.
  71. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Note: I am using the numbers off Stuart's site. I know sometimes the actual numbers don't jive with the 'official' numbers due to a few different reasons. Weather, illness, sometimes a guy just doesn't feel like it after a bad previous day, but I'm hoping they are close.

    Event #6....100 Caps.....547

    Event # 6...100 Caps.....584(+37)
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  72. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Are any scores posted on internet yet? Roger C.
    just joe likes this.
  73. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    RJ Stuart
    just joe likes this.
  74. redbird

    redbird Member

    Mr. Gipson you might want to double check your numbers.
    just joe likes this.
  75. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


    Event #7....100 Doubles.....491
    Event #8....100 Singles......706
    Event #9....100 Caps......…565

    Event # 7...100 Doubles...529 (+38)
    Event # 8...100 Singles....754 (+48)
    Event # 9 ..100 Caps...….705 (+140) Whoa! That's a pretty good jump

    I don't know what Gibson does but I always use my Walmart calculator to double check numbers that I post. If they are wrong then Stuart screwed up.
    edit: or I flip the years, DUH!
  76. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Thanks, saw that I flipped the years, and corrected it.

    Been here in Myrtle Beach on vacation with 18 family members since Monday and was trying to keep score between all the family activities, got those couple bass ackwards.

    BTW, nice touch using gipson's name.:D
    just joe likes this.
  77. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader


    Event #10.....100 Caps.........905
    Event # 11....100 Doubles....615

    Event # 10.....100 Caps...…...852 (-53)
    Event # 11.....100 Doubles.....608 (-7)
    just joe likes this.
  78. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    We were down 152 shooters for the week (Canada represented 38 shooters last year, over 2%, and zero this year due to closed boarders) which is 1.79%. The attendance in the Championship Events surpassed PA. which makes Ohio the largest State Shoot in the country! Plus, it was a category 7 shoot. Shooters, thank you for coming. The OSTA looks forward to seeing you again next year. Stay safe and break them all................................

    Tim Hunsaker
  79. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    WHAT A GREAT SHOOT. Super job by the OSTA board, the Cardinal Staff and all the shooters. It sure was great to get out and smell some gun powder and see those clays bust!!!!!!!
  80. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    From my vantage point the shoot ran perfectly! My wife was only in the CEB on Monday to classify and pay for our entire week. I wasn’t in the CEB at all. Never stood in any lines other than at AJ’s Reloading Supplies which was booming all shoot long. If our Canadian friends had been allowed to cross the border, attendance would have been higher than last year. I had a blast and can’t wait to go back for the Cardinal Classic!
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  81. Robert Zimmerman

    Robert Zimmerman Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Tim are they gong to post gun winners anywhere
    harryone likes this.
  82. monroesc

    monroesc Active Member

    Rj Stuart website under winners has a list of them at the bottom.
  83. Robert Zimmerman

    Robert Zimmerman Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I only see 2 names I think they gave 8 guns away
  84. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    Our Secretary will get those name to R.J. Stuart for posting on his site.

    Tim Hunsaker

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Tim I enjoyed the HOF affair and it was good to see everyone. I'm really proud that the OSTA shot when all these other states aren't. Pa should be proud too. I think this virus thing is just to get Trump. Good job I've heard lot's of good things about your shoot.
    Roger Coveleskie and ebsurveyor like this.
  86. Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker

    Past OSTA President Tim Hunsaker Moderator Forum Reporter Forum Leader

    Thanks for those kind words......... Bob, the gun winners are now listed on R.J. Stuart's website.

  87. Robert Zimmerman

    Robert Zimmerman Well-Known Member Founding Member
