Radical Muslim attack on US forces it should automatically be considered a "Act of Terrorism " ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
The only good Muslim is a dead Muslim. If people haven't discovered that in the last thirteen centuries, they never will. "Convert or die" is the mantra of Islam.
No truer words have been said, Islam is not just a religion but a government, they are always first and foremost loyal to the religion and their religious leaders and that a big problem for the American constitution.
You can not be a loyal muslim and be an American. Sad but true. Time to play hard ball with the S.O.B.'s Roger C.
There is but one way to stop Radical Muslims and that would be using the same method they use to eliminate cockroaches, elimination totally and completely (kill them all) ... Man, Woman and child sad but true ... WPT ... (YAC) ...