Why Trump didn't tell Pelosi !!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by 635 G, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Guess Pelosi, forgot about the press waiting on the beach for our SEALS to land in Somalia

    I'm a retired US Navy Submariner, during WWll, a congressman, by the name of Andrew Jackson, from Kentucky, shot his mouth off stating"our subs can dive deeper than the Jap depth charges" the Japs change their depth charge settings-we lost 10 boats and 800 sailors--that's when the submarine service became "the silent service"
    southjblue, wpt and Ken Cerney like this.
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Personally, I think Trump is smarter than the entire congress and or senate, to him is was a business deal and he didn't want anything to go wrong ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    bill1949 and southjblue like this.
  3. bpd20

    bpd20 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Democrats are holding secret meetings in an attempt to impeach Trump & are keeping Republicans out of said meetings.
    Trump did the right thing! Too many leaks in Washington. Had he told Pelosi it would have been on CNN in 5 minutes.
    southjblue, bill1949 and wpt like this.
  4. southjblue

    southjblue Well-Known Member

    While I was in the Navy (8) yrs I was a Morris code radio operator. When a secret msg was to keep
    secret,the msg was sent in 5 letter code groups and sent to a decipher room. Trump should have sent
    her a msg with 5 letter code---It would have taken her months to decipher. She would just be figuring
    out what happened. That way Trump could say he sent her the details.The dumb Dems would still be in
    the decipher room.----Go Trump.---SJB
  5. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    If you think about our own elected Officials are against the people who elect them, this cannot be an act (acts) that goes unpunished ... President Trump has found more problems and corruption in Washington than any of the 10 president before him, the question now is what is he going to do about it (them ) so things get back as they should be ... The prescribed penalty for Treason is Death, talk about drain the swamp that would do it post haste ... The President has met with more resistance since being elected than a combination of all those before him ... If Obama would of been investigated to the same extent he would not of lasted the first term in office let alone two terms, to this day he has not been investigated to the same degree as he parades around to other country's telling them how bad President Trump is as a World Leader ... The Elected Officials should be held accountable and held to the highest standard and fullest extent the laws provide ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    southjblue likes this.
  6. southjblue

    southjblue Well-Known Member

    You're right (YAC) but his problem is the remaining swamp and they are still there and
    ready to pounce on him when they can. They won't go down easy. I'm worried about the swamp
    RINO senators when they have to do the impeachment vote.