Angles - Flights - Machine Deals - Questions

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Roger Coveleskie, Mar 23, 2015.

  1. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    I have asked these questions several times before on here.

    #1 What was the deal that was to good to be passed up by the EC in cancelling the quotes on the purchase of new trap machines?

    #2 where are the extra 8 machines?

    #3 Who was the driving force behind changing the flights and parameters on targets?

    #4 Were these changes made to accomadate machinery that could not perform to the rules in force at that time.

    #5 What good has come to this sport due to these changes?

    I am sure there are people that can honestly answer these questions, if you do not want to go on this public forum, then send me a private message. I give you my word it will stay private.

    These are just a few of the questions that all trap shooters should be asking of the people in charge. Many of you believe that the cheating on was wide spread, It was not as bad as some people would like you to believe. But it was rampant in some parts of the country.

    I was in the trap machine business I had machines shipped to my facility from all over the northern hemisphere. I could tell if the 1 or 2 hole was used for more than throwing into a head wind. That was when the 2 hole was supposed to be used. Then the wind would spread them to the 3 hole area.

    You new shooters that have come on board after 2003 should read every one of Kenny's posts, you will learn more honest history there than with a lot of the other posters. He is giving you actual data, not slick sales job. Some change their stories to cover their seats.

    This discussion should not be between differing sides of shooters it should be between the shooters and the men that were entrusted to uphold the honor and integrity of the sport. That is the only way it will be resolved, ask them why did you do this. What was the expected outcome of the action? What is going to be done to correct the problem we now have.

    I have asked the mods to move the thread here and to relocate all responding posts....Coveleskie.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2015

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member


    From Roger's post,

    #3 Who was the driving force behind changing the flights and parameters on targets?

    I'll take a WAG at it.

    The people that purchased the machines then found out those machines couldn't throw a 3 hole target without a lot of extra adjustments and time?

    Like I said, just a guess.

    Flyersarebest. But I'm still a Trap Shooter

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member

    Got Beagles:

    8 machines worth a lot of Jack.

    Some machines throw better angles?

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member


    It has got to be somewhere as the ATA paid the invoice. I'm sure someone knows where the figures are posted.. I'll let you know as soon as I get more PM's Roger

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member

    History Buff

    Flyersarebest & Got Beagles,
    I withdraw my comments.
    I was speaking in general of the evolution of narrowing the parameter of target angles over decades and the traps marketed during that period.
    It is clear to me now that your discussion was regarding a certain named trap, missing traps and details which led to the decision on the purchase of those traps. This is a subject I had not heard about and therefore have nothing to contribute. Likewise, I cannot speak to the attainable angles of the PAT trap. I yield to Mr. Roger C. who seems to have a vast knowledge on the issue and I look forward to his summary.
    If there were cases of misappropriation, it should be investigated and reported and not hidden from the membership.

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member

    Family Guy

    These are the big questions?

    #1 What was the deal that was to good to be passed up by the EC in cancelling the quotes on the purchase of new trap machines?
    #2 where are the extra 8 machines?
    #3 Who was the driving force behind changing the flights and parameters on targets?
    #4 Were these changes made to accomadate machinery that could not perform to the rules in force at that time.
    #5 What good has come to this sport due to these changes?

    Any answers?

    Just crickets chirping.

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member


    Family Guy,
    These are questions that very much need answers. I'm looking for them as every shooter should also. Something smells about this whole situation, and all ATA shooters should be asking WHY,WHO, and was there an ulterior motive involved. Did anyone profit by their actions? If so WHO?

    I think some of the actions taken on the machines evolved into all the changes that came into the sport in the aftermath.
    What good came of all of these changes? Can anyone answer this question?
    I am not just referring to anyone change, I am referring to all of the changes. When grouped together have had a negative affect on our sport.

    When a bad decision is made it should be corrected, not more bad decisions made to try to justify the bad one.

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member


    Roger I just read all the ATA Minutes from 2001 that nwere posted on the ATA website, there was postings some were delibertly delete from posting by the EC. only one I did find was dated December 27th 2003 on purchase of trap machines, voice release systems, on line , 39 & 40, and more on lines 366-395. then more on trap house modifications for the Pat Trap on April 13th 2004 Lines 1228-1231 on the minutes pages.

    What I did find interesting was the EC members refused to sign was a Confidentiality agreement on the Sparta purchase, were they hiding something from us?
    April,10-April,14th, 2002 VP Tom Acklin requested all members of the Competetion, and Industry Advisery Committee,to respond to him on 3 subjects, #1 Shell Velocity, #2 Lead Problems, #3 Target Setting Requirements & report to him by April 15th 2002.

    Exec Director Norris informed that ATA Trap Mechanic, Bill Kranenberg will inspect and repair all 1524 trap machines before the 2002 Ohio State Shoot and the 2002 Grand American.

    In 2004 Pat Traps were advertising the Official Trap of the ATA. I could find nothing in the ATA minutes of any Bidding on trap Purchases. Which is out of the ordinary.

    Although I did see Mr. Hampton speaking on behalf of IDNR Sparta, about purchasing or leasing trap machines, and Voice Controllers for use by the ATA, then contradicting himself about some machines delivering different angles.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member



    There was letter asking for bids, but before they could be submitted we received a letter stating we received an offer we could not refuse letter No explanation of any kind just do not submit your quotations..
    If they refused to sign the agreement it should be in the minutes somewhere. If they did not sign it that means they did not approve of it, so maybe it would be ok to publish what it was if it can be found.
  10. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Can the ATA secretary be contacted about bidding of the Trap Machines, and the results?
    Also Price Waterhouse Coopers, and Julie Smith the ATA Controller who resigned, and her Replacement
    Mrs. Harden as the new controller? These people may know something.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2015
  11. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Roger Bids had to be given out before April 13th, 2004 because The President & EC Committee reviewed the anticipated delivery for the newly purchased Pat Traps that will be installed in this years Ohio State Shoot Tournament and the Grand American World Trapshooting Championships Tournament, It was revealed that part of the purchase price for the Pat Traps will be funded by accrued relocation funds which has been charged at prior Grand American Tournaments ATA Minutes lines 746-749 April 13th, 2004
  12. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    SE Zone VP Kenneth Duncan and SC Zone VP Neil Winston are continuing their research and collaboration with reference to Trap Houses, Flights & Angles. They stated their report
    will be presented to the EC during the August 2004 EC Meetings
    April 13th 2004 line 1126-1129.
  13. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    December 27th 2003 Line 39 Purchasing options of the ATA owned & Controlled trap machines & automated voice release systems. President Kaiser reminded SW Zone VP that there were 2 points in reality that worked against his proposition.
    #1 The State of Illinois when breached about purchasing Traps & Voice Calls desired by the ATA. Informed the ATA that their state purchasing requirements would Pre Dominate
    (ie, they would have to develop an RFP of stated quality and quantity, and purchase from the lowest bidder)

    Consultant Mike Hampton on behalf of the state of Illinois had made it quite clear in his prior marketing presentations that he felt that, that it was a distinct possibilitythat he would be able to arrange a lease/loan terms for the traps to be used at the WSC. This position as (consultant Hampton) strongly indicated that we would end up with various Trap Machine vendors that would most probably present different target presentations for our members.
    Therefore the President thought that if we purchased the Traps ourselves and be assured of standard target presentations, also the traps would remain the portable asset of the ATA and if we would relocate they would remain ownership and take the traps with us.
    ATA Minutes December 27th, 2003 lines 368-388
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
  14. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    The Driving force behind flights and angles were VP Ken Duncan & VP Neil Winston, per their collaboration to be given to the EC Meeting August 2004 ATA Minutes April 13th, 2004
    Lines 1126-1129
  15. Bat

    Bat Mega Poster

    Dr Longshot, did that collaboration you reference have any impact on the minimum angle rule? Or are you talking about something else?
  16. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    There is no doubt some people who have the answers to those questions, but they will more than likely never udder a word or come forward ... The "Transparency" was eliminsted long ago when it was found to be easier to scratch each others back and not have to answer to the mass'es about anything ... Integrity is another word that used to get tossed around a lot until some people found out what the meaning of it was ... Roger, I wish you luck but people knowing you are a Pit Bull will no doubt make sure you never get the answers you asked for ... Best of Luck my friend ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  17. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    I agree 100% wpt. I would guess they stay silent so they aren't chastised like a few others have been.
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  18. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    I have received some info already, and more is said to be coming. There are still some people that know about the meaning of integrity.
    wpt and dr.longshot like this.
  19. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Ask Frank Rively. He wasn't allowed to visit those dark hidden corridors!
  20. 320090T

    320090T Mega Poster Founding Member

    Roger, did they ever locate the CVR sets missing while still in Vandalia? I remember a very small paragraph in the minutes about it but never heard the outcome.
  21. 1in20

    1in20 Member

    Could you give us an update on this?