F/S Beretta 692 Xtrap O/U 30" Barrel

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by James Caldwell, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. James Caldwell

    James Caldwell jwesleyx

    Excellent condition. More information and pics by request
  2. Dennis S

    Dennis S Active Member

    Price would be a good starting point

    LOP ?

    Release or Pull Trigger ?
  3. James Caldwell

    James Caldwell jwesleyx

    I apologize for being unclear but it is the barrel only.

    Attached Files:

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  4. James Caldwell

    James Caldwell jwesleyx

    I apologize for not being clear in the original post. This is the barrel and 4 Optima HP chokes only and the price is $1850

    Attached Files:

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