Get ready folks----They (DEMS) are positioning impeachment proceedings against Trump.---Stay tuned. SJB
1st Barr then Trump---It's a process---That's all they have---Socialism ain't working so let's get Trump----They know they can't beat him in an election. Did you see Trump at his rally last knight? 12'000 people----Biden couldn't get 1'000 and Biden is the best they got. Stay tuned----We ain't done yet----- Lets stay strong---Get all your friends to get ready to vote----We need all we can get. SJB
Listen to this one----The way to beat Trump in 2020----The republican Trump haters are looking for someone like a Romney to run as an independent for president that will siphon off votes in the rust belt that will take away votes in the flyover states that Trump needs to win----That will assure a Biden win---That's the end of the republican party and those RINOS don't care----This was brought to Rush Limbaugh listeners last week and he said that he was told they have a few RINOs that may be interested. Remember it was said by YAC---REVOLUTION----- George@SJB
I am surprised no response to this post --- thread----The Dems are zeroing in and we need to respond. JMO---SJB
What do you folks think now----Does HE get impeached ??---This shixx never ends--- If I were Trump, I'd throw in the towel and ride off into the sunset. He has tried everything possible to make this a better country and all he gets is grief. These libs are a real piece of SHITXX I HOPE THEY GO DOWN IN FLAMES 2020---- JMO----SJB
Patients grass hopper, the pendulam is about to swing back in another direction.. The panic will be worth waiting for. Roger C.
It will never happen and he is going to have a second term and hopefully get rid of some more of those damn lib's . Hopefully the Dem voters will vote those BA----DS out themselvs
Winners never quit! President Donald J. Trump is a WINNER. He will continue to WIN because he will never quit. NEVER! The liberals/democrats/socialists are a bunch of lying, murdering, perverted losers and homosexuals. They are completely exposed. WE, The People of The United States of America, will take those vile, smelly, rancid pigs to the slaughterhouse, cut them up into small pieces, and feed them to those murderous Mooozlums, their dearest friends who they seem to love so much. They are irrelevant! They DO NOT matter. Ignore them. Use all the energy you waste on them to positively and honestly promote OUR GREAT PRESIDENT. Go tell it on the mountain!
Phantom, Are you going to be at the Ohio state shoot? I want to buy you a donut, or a drink, your choice. Roger C.
With all time high approval numbers, and growing, I don’t think Trump can loose in 2020 The libs will REALLY spin out then! Can’t wait!!
Desperation is a breeding ground for failure, the Democraps are destined to get more of their own azz's in a sling than any of the current administration or the president himself for that matter ... The President is Human but is about as squeeky clean as one can get compared to a cesspool of Politicos ... AG Barr is not even getting warmed up but when the hammer falls I got a feeling shit is going to hit the fan big time ... Lindsey Graham said if they want Trumps tax paper work they should have to make their available and be prepared to show where and how the income was generated ... There is not one person in the Senate or Congress that wants to have to produce same ... WPT ... (YAC) ...