For Sale: PFS w/ MX grip

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Robert D. Williams, Mar 11, 2019.

  1. Hello,
    I have a newer, PFS with a grip that fits an MX- Perazzi. As it can be seen in the pic below, it hasn't been used much, it's in excellent condition, the manual, and all the wrenches and screws to the stock for any adjustments are included. Currently, I believe
    the stock retails for around $1500. I'm asking $950.00, shipping is included. If interested please leave a message. Thanks for looking.


    Attached Files:

  2. Bump
  3. Reduced price now asking 875.00 Thanks for looking

  4. Pending sale
  5. Max Trap

    Max Trap Well-Known Member Founding Member

    If your sale falls through please let me know. Ed
  6. Sorry Ed.

    It has been sold...
  7. Max Trap

    Max Trap Well-Known Member Founding Member

    No problem. Glad you moved it. Ed