Trump - Declare emergency! Build the wall. Protect the castle.

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by harryone, Jan 4, 2019.

  1. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    Message to the Trumpster. Declare an emergency. Police are getting killed. We are being invaded by the drug gangs. Use the military and do some military drills. Practice building obstacles to stop the invasions. Start with a wall. A moat with gators and a few tar pits.
    wpt, Ken Cerney, oleolliedawg and 2 others like this.
  2. Gerald

    Gerald Mega Poster Founding Member

    I like the Moat & Tar Pit idea.
    I don't think people realize the severity of the situation.
    Some of the Wash. idiots say Global Warming is the No. 1 issue.
    It should be the Drug issue. We need to get this under control now.
    That sorry bunch that took the oath will be little help.

    wpt likes this.

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    A 'Tall' Wall around the Vatican---Wall around O'Bozo's house---Wall around Lying Hillary's house---Remember the "CHINA WALL" has kept all the Mexicans out for years. I think we should send 10 or 20 "Undocumented Workers" to live in tents on Pelosi's and Fienstien's property for FREE !!---See how they would like it !!
    Maybe 'Chuckie's ' too.
    wpt and Ken Cerney like this.
  4. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    All the talk on Global Warming is nothing more than a diversionary tactic so the Dems can run their scams without too much or any notice. The fake news main stream media is in the Dems pocket and only report what Chuck and Nancy want them to report. It is all anti Trump. The latest polls show that 80 some % want the wall but Chuck and Nancy keep reporting the opposite. Now they are calling a wall immoral. If a wall is immoral let them tell the Pope as the Vatican has a large wall around it. I hope Trump declares a State of Emergency and builds the wall. Send more troops while her is at it. It is an invading army on our door step. Things need to get done.
    wpt, Elsie and THEUNLOADER like this.
  5. Elsie

    Elsie Mega Poster

    Yes - build the wall. Ever notice all these open border types live in gated communities? Last time I was in New York City the New York Times wouldn't even let you come in and use their bathroom, but the sobs want to allow "migrants" to come and crap all over the country.

    Things are not going to change until ICE starts dropping off "migrants" by the busloads at Pelosi, and Schmuner's house, starting dropping em off an CNN. ABC, NBC, CBS etc.. I bet even the filthy liberals in the New York Times can say - No Mas, no more after the 3 or 4 busload is unloaded at their building or home's of the people who work there.
    wpt, Ken Cerney and THEUNLOADER like this.