Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by The Phantom, Aug 16, 2018.

  1. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    1. Tell him you are Black.

    2. Tell him you LOVE President Trump.

    (please share this with a friend):)
    Ken Cerney, Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  2. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

  3. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Guest

    Hi Roger, too funny ! I've been a Hispanic woman and 40 years old for years.

    Did a DNA test years ago and another test last year. Got all the bases covered. Russian, Italian/Greek, Asian, Hispanic, North African, Middle East and Jewish.

    Using my 10% Hispanic heritage on gun purchases background checks. If one can choose their gender I figured I can choose my heritage.

    When working for the Government they sent me to every diversity/sensitivity course ever held.

    Joe Winnicki
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  4. BAMA

    BAMA Mega Poster

    I ask for a credit card number, before I say anything. I expect to be paid for my opinions. Drives the pollsters crazy when I won't talk or answer their questions, but keep demanding a credit card. I also do this with any sales call. Those are really fun.