Who shoots the better scores and Why, Republican Shooters or Democratic Shooters Republican Democratic OK Guys Go for it, let's see wins? I do not think Graphs would serve any purpose GB........................................DLS
I make it a habit NOT to discuss politics or religion especially while enjoying myself, not to mention around people with guns!
When I was the Tournament Director for the Cardinal Center we had a shooter who I call the Democrat, a very nice man by the way, break a 98 and win the handicap. I was always riding his butt about Obama so when I went up to congratulate him on his win I had a little fun. There was a group of our friends standing around and I told him Terry I've got some bad news, as tournament director I had to take a couple of birds off your score and distribute them to a couple of more needy shooters. Let's just say we all had a good laugh, even Terry.
Several on this forum !!! -- thinking rules don't apply to them.--Must be Dems -- They THINK they shoot better than us.
It takes MONEY (Republication's) to shoot trap. Its difficult for (Democrat's) Loafers, bums, welfare recipitants, crack heads, and single mothers with multiple children from different men to come up with the cash, to shoot trap. But then, perhaps, they could trade their Obama phones for some shells, and there are always gang banger guns to be found around the hood.
Against a national average of $1,935 in intergovernmental spending per American, red states receive just $1,879. Blue states get $2,124 per resident. Purple states see the least of their money returned to them per capita, at just $1,770.
It takes MONEY to shoot trap. Its difficult for loafers, bums, welfare recipients, crack heads, and single mothers with multiple children from different men to come up with the cash, to shoot trap. It's even difficult for many hard working men and women to have enough disposal income to shoot trap.
For the record, I am a registered Republican and I have voted Republican ever year except for the two times I voted for Ross Perot. We all have our reasons for why we vote the way we do, but do we need to make trapshooting into a Republican verses Democrat issue?
Garry, I think Bama made his statement in jest. Don't get your panties in a knot over it. Try smiling over the statement. Roger C.
I voted the same way, PEROT & TRUMP ARE SIMILAR in their beliefs, I became a republican when I went into business and would never go back, I support Trump, & Brett Kavanaugh, if any of those on the TOP 10 list do not vote for Kavanaugh will be voted out of office, has any of them accepted George Soros money, know of a Republican that did $700,000
Doc, George Soros, according to an artical on the internet, has spent $247,000.000 dollars on the people that are fighting Our Pres. Trump. You can bet you bippie they are all getting paid. Most of the RINO's are also getting his money. He should be tried for treason. He is trying to over throw the government of the USA. Roger C.
Intentional harm is a quality of evil. Democrats are evil. They are the Communist Party. They know people who vote for them as, "useful idiots."
There are 30 people who live on Silver Dollar Dr in Odessa, Florida that are registered to vote. Out of those people 20 are Republicans and 5 are Democrats while 5 are affiliated with a different political party or have no party affiliation at all.