You heard it here. The shot screens will result in lower scores. Some think it is because the fields face the north causing glare on the southern face.
Some fear the shot screens will cause a sharp rise in scores for all shooters. To help alleviate this concern, strong strobe lights will be attached to the tops of the support poles and will be wired to the voice calls so that they flash at exactly the moment the target is released. At first the strobe lights will only be active on the traps that Ricky and Trey shoot doubles on or any trap that Dysinger uses should he decide to come out and play again (the old dog can still shoot). The lights may also be active on BigDon's traps, but that will be a game time decision by shoot management.
If the curtain was marketed right, just think of the huge $$$$ potential in rented advertising space the full length of the trap line. Just have cloth type bill boards that would just roll up or down before the shoots start. Companies like Ford, Perazzi, Tampon.
Roger This person with the Spartan name seems to be kinda smart. Cant be one of the stooges but hey you never know.
If it is that cheerleader for that place in IL. He isn't just one of the stooges, he's the HEAD STOOGE
Smithy, From your description I would surely recognize him in a crowd. I have also heard short, fat, and UGLY. The screens can be painted flat sky blue. Then throw dull black targets. I can say the targets will not be hard to see. P.S. What makes you think spartan is smart? Roger C.
If the targets get any better at Cardinal with a curtain the shooters scores may very well go down. Just think about it, if the targets do get any better than they have been, you will have a good change of falling asleep on the singles! Hope the Silver Dollar catches on and installs them on the Golf Course side so we don't have watch the folks on the greens and carts riding the fairways any longer while shooting. Don't ya just love it when its your turn to shoot and the Golfer on the T box is doing his stretching and jumping jack exercises............
The shot curtains will raise scores. The target shows up like a orange plate against the curtains. Curtains are going to become a way of life at many clubs as the ability to harvest lead with little effort will bring in more income.
Sure it's possible. More like probable. That's what happens when someone marries their own sister. You get kids like grtitan and green spartan. I don't know if either of them can shoot a decent score on their BEST day but it wouldn't surprise me if they were great on the guitar and banjo.
I do not think Shot Curtains will make any difference, unless a shooter is concentrating on them, instead of TARGETS GB......................DLS