Open Reply to Terri Dean

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Family Guy, May 11, 2016.

  1. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Terri- please tell us about the backup plan. The plan you talk about as to where your grand is going if it is not at Sparta. Tell us who those people are. Still keeping that a secret?

    Terri- please tell us about the accountable plan that everyone can see. Is this the plan that caused an auditor to leave. Be specific as possible.

    Terri- you said your motels were barely covered on your trips to Florida. Hey Terri....Just a note. Most of us don't think you should have got a dime.

    Terri - your statement ... We DO NOT DO THIS FOR MONEY BUT FOR THE LOVE OF THE SPORT!!!!! Give the money back Terry. For the love of the sport!

    Terri - your statement: "At the Grand we rent our camper spots just like you do, no discount." Please tell us who gets the free campsites at Sparta.

    Terri - your statement: "A.T.A was very loosely run many years ago" So tell us who broke the law? What authority did you personally contact? Is there an investigation now? Why haven't you made this public before?

    Terri - Loved this statement. "there are not hard feelings between the A.T.A and the Cardinal Center." Are you speaking for the Cardinal Center? Who do you represent? So how do you feel about the SCTP Nationals leaving for the CC?

    Terri - Your statement. "I am a Highway, Pipeline Contractor in Business since 1967 and not very political correct". To be a highway contractor do you take law courses? If so where?

    Terri - Your statement. "The ATA is strong and in capable hands." Does this account for us losing 2/3 of our membership? Are these capable people the reason the grand has the same attendance as during the Korean War?

    Terri --thanks for the opportunity to learn more. Please follow up.

    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2016
    dr.longshot, wpt and oleolliedawg like this.
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    " You DON't WANT The TRUTH ", I heard that some place and it seemed so fitting ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  3. Barnett

    Barnett Member


    I think it was, "You can't handle the truth!"

    Jack Nicholson to Tom Cruise in " A Few Good Men"
    CoachB and wpt like this.
  4. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    that was my second choice ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  5. btleo1008

    btleo1008 Active Member

    Dean didn't shovel the sand out of Kentucky what would make me think he can shovel the BS out of Sparta? His Post reminds me of Hillary... he is a VICTIM
  6. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I got an E Mail from a friend who says one of the Delegates (Phil Kiner) is telling everyone that the Illinois AG found nothing out of order with the way the ATA is doing business ... Terry Dean PIPED in (pipe layer) places blame on certain individuals proving once again he likes to talk but never says anything useful before opening mouth and inserting foot (not being Politically Correct syndrome) ... The Blame game is alive and well and threats of Lawsuits continues because other have different opinions ... God forbid they not have a profitable shoot, that will be next on the blame (excuses) list ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  7. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    So, Okay, I had to peek ... It appears that anything that happens will be blamed on certain individuals without the benefit of any proof what so ever other than a difference of opinion and those people should have to pay for the time it took to gather the information that had to be handed over to the Ill AG for the investigation, which amounted to $3,800 in accumulated time and efforts ... WPT ... (YAC) ...