Searching for the truth.... From the IDNR after a formal inquiry. Good Afternoon, At this time the WSRC has two confirmed events (see below) and no official planned opening for practice. When that information is confirmed it will be publicly announced. March 12-13, 2016: Okaw Valley Beagle Dog Trials April 2-3, 2016: GSSF Match Thank you for your inquiry, Monica Brackman Director of Strategic Planning & Marketing Dept. of Natural Resources-Region 4 c: 618.317.6573 World Shooting & Recreational Complex p: 618.295.2700 ext 8-309
I'm sure that the entire official schedule will be forthcoming. Probably around the same time or with the official announcement that the state of IL. found all the money needed to operate the WSRC as it did before it was CLOSED do to the LACK OF FUNDING necessary to keep the place in the black.
With no alternative site to go to for the Grand this may be the last resort. I only hope the ATA did not agree to any unreal financial debacles in the process. They should not have to finance the whole shooting agenda. Let each support their own. Sporting clays could support their share, Skeet is most likely a looser. Not enough skeeters any more and they are slow compared to trap. Roger
These guys wouldn't be making a vague MOU like announcement right before the Southern Grand would they?
I would ask if anyone has any faith in the ATA leadership to be honest and forthcoming with the members of the ATA.
I will put all the faith and wisdom of a blessed BOD and EC into the "Need To Know" for the members. As I was told by someone a couple of years ago: " We only tell the general membership what is happening "On a Need To Know Basis". They have no time to tell us minor details such as who PULL LLC was (by leaving off the 2012 in the minutes). Now, when I discovered this, I was super Pissed to think every one of the EC approved these minutes and didn't catch this IMPORTANT part. I guess I have to think it was a mistake, and 2012 was left off by the person who typed the transcript for our Secretary. But, if that didn't raise my eyebrows when researching the sale, nothing will. Good one LadyT !
It usually says in the programs that practice traps will be open, (from ____ to ____) , they must be trying something new to conserve on targets ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
If they contact Brook County in WV. or Washington Sportsmens in PA. they could probably get a few ideas on how to conserve targets.