There is a very large silent majority of Dedicated Trapshooters that do not have Internet Access, and could careless for a computer, they don't know what is and has been happening the last 20 or so years with the ATA. What they have done is trapshooting other venues, mostly Sporting Clays. Sporting Clays is growing, I know I have seen it. @ Sundays a month they shoot, and more and more shooters are coming, and they are bringing their Grand Kids, and Kids. Most are shooting the course twice before leaving, and you ought to hear them talking about coming back. THERE IS STILL TRAPSHOOTING GOING ON, THEY LIKE IT AND LOVE IT.
Not only many trapshooters with out computers, but many that are not on this or and have no idea what is happing. also many will not speak up and say anything because they think its like the government. You can talk to them but they do what the hell they want anyway. So it is up to the few to let as many people know what is happening also let the ATA know that we don't like what's happening. "Get out and spread the word".
Might be because sporting clays does not have a bunch of OLDCRONIES telling everyone HOW GOOD IT USED TO BE, and stirring up hate and discontent amongst the crowd,
Maybe so dr, but with only 5 post on the site, not much opportunity for me to stir up much is there? Bad conscience maybe?
The good Dr is a voice of positive information here. Perhaps thoughts of t-shirting would enhance your outlook nudie.
Positive information? Or do you mean "positive HISTORICAL information?" Sorry sir, but I personally don't live in the past. What is history can not be changed, just dreamed about. Water under the bridge ya might say. And what are the "thoughts of t-shirting
History is a great teacher. It can be used to show you what mistakes to avoid in the future. Haven't you been following the t-shirt thread?
At my club we have 50 or so very active members and as of now I am the only one on this site and there is about a handful more on the TS.Com. Most of the shooters as it is with voters, don't know what is going on they are told the new rules and go with the flow. They might feel they have more important things to worry about than something with their hobby. I, myself, like knowing what is going on and try to do something about it.
Longshot accusing Nudie of spreading discontent? This train has officially pulled into Crazy Town. Next stop Delusionalville.
There is a very large silent majority of supermodels who want to have their way with me. In fact, they are so silent it's like they don't actually exist. -Gary
Most folks appreciate the truth, mixed with a bit of humor. Most, not all. So, let's focus on the facts. You say we agitators. Fine. But then what would you call this (and the multitude of posts just like it)? Since it is clearly an unprovoked agitation, I assume this troll (as you called us), should leave too in your book?
John T: you want the site your way and all others to the contrary need to leave. You didn't think anyone with a different point of view would join? You obviously believe Everything DLS types, and he is never wrong. You need help. Lefty