Compare Cardinal Center Growth to the WSC

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    WSC is losing shooters and the Cardinal Center has been growing over the last 10 years

    Why is the Cardinal Center Growing, Location, LOCATION, close to Interstate Highway System, Mass of Hotels, Motels, Major Restraunts, Major Merchants, Malls, Gambling, places for the wives and family to shop. At site camping, and lodging, w/swimming and fishing.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The City of Sparta and the ATA are going to partner and put all of those things in (((((" close to Interstate Highway System, Mass of Hotels, Motels, Major Restraunts, Major Merchants, Malls, Gambling, places for the wives and family to shop. At site camping, and lodging, w/swimming and fishing".)))) stated its all part of the "Fantastic Direction" program and asked that everyone be patient and give them a chance ... They all got together and nobody can come up with the answer why they cannot draw flys with all of the BS that has been thrown around ... They said all they have to do is increase the attendance and utilize the place to its full potential so the plan is for that to happen during the term of the extended 10 years on the lease that the ATA agreed to ... They have a sign up sheet for local leagues and all 3 of the shooters from Sparta have already signed up so thats going as planned ... The FFA rented the facilty for its annual Hog Calling Contest and all of the hogs agreed to take a day off of work to attend ... The running of the Bulls will be hosted at the facilty site also, even though its closed ... One of the local 20.5 yarders has agree to give free shooting lessons for anyone interested so that should draw one or two people ... The locals said if it wasn't for all of the clubs that know how to host big shoots all over the country more people would show up in Sparta but they get shot out at the other places so that adds to their problem ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  3. smoking357

    smoking357 Mega Poster

    Perhaps the ATA was headed by Country Mice 10 years ago, and the idea of a WSRC out in rural lands looked really good to their view of the world. Perhaps the current attendance level of the WSRC is all Country Mice, and that's all the bigger the WSRC will ever get. Perhaps the Country Mice in charge of the ATA are just fine with that, because they don't like Town Mice and urban environments.

    Perhaps this entire WSRC experiment was a deliberate plan to put the ATA on a more rural path.
    dr.longshot and wpt like this.
  4. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    To try and compare the Cardinal Center with the WSRC is kind of on the same level as comparing a Bentley to a Yugo ... People just do not seem to want to grasp, admit, and take into consideration there are no immediate accomidations in the Sparta area ... Location is meaningless if you live in Sparta, but not if you live in Dallas, Texas and have to travel ... The EC and probably some of the BOD get taken care of to some extent, while the average, common, everyday hard working trapshooter has to fend for himself and his family's if that applies ... I said when the WSRC was being built that a business, (any business) has X Number of years to establish itself and break even and then start to turn a profit or it should be closed and written off as a loss ... This has not happened in 10 (now 11) years so what makes all of the Genius's think thats going to change and this spoken about "Fantastic Direction" plan is going to all of a sudden produce shooters and business to put the WSRC in the black ..?

    In reality at this point and for the last 11 years the ATA has been spending the State of Illinois money like a "Drunken Sailor" (no offense to any drunken sailors out there) while building a cushion in the associations bank account of $12,000,000 if those figures are accurate ... If the State had any recourse to recover part of its loss the ATA could be bankrupted and hung out to dry ... Walk slowly GrassHopper, think and use some common sense before you leap and you may live to leap again ... (can't remember who, but somebody said that) ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  5. Zealot

    Zealot Active Member

    It appears the free ride has ended.
  6. theloudone

    theloudone Guest

    1003 shooters today, great job! Looks like some decent weather finally.
  7. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    OK doc. The location stuff is obvious. Pride is one of the biggest factors. Did you see the numbers that got up early to attend the Cardinal Memorial Garden Ceremony? 90% of the state shoots don't have that many people.

    Those were caring people that are not just from Ohio. Most attending feel this is their shoot venue and everyone else is a guest.

    I think I even saw Big Don smile. Not for long. A smile none the less.
  8. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    I would succinctly add: You only have one chance to make a First Impression.
    wpt, dr.longshot and Family Guy like this.
  9. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Family Guy said: " OK doc. The location stuff is obvious. Pride is one of the biggest factors".

    And the Pride was running deep when Old Glory was raised!

    color guard.jpg
    wpt, dr.longshot and Family Guy like this.