Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Gary Ferrell, Jan 13, 2023.

  1. Gary Ferrell

    Gary Ferrell Mega Poster

    Any interest in trading BT 99 OLD STYLE or Pigeon grade Bt99 for BT100 +/- cash.If pictures are necessary on this please advise.
    Thank you
  2. wboling268

    wboling268 Well-Known Member

    pictures 10BFD8C4-4197-4D46-9E67-36B2DD27A8AE.jpeg BACCD322-2C87-4F0C-AA6A-937D78FD43DB.jpeg 5A3E34CA-0E6A-40B4-AFC2-EC97DD8ED7EF.jpeg 64C1C8A4-1DB7-4BF4-A191-36952828F29B.jpeg A249C455-90C3-4059-A2E6-F7DFE9EDDEC0.jpeg 3652C701-6E9D-49C6-9A73-E776AFD6E3E9.jpeg E7705109-B672-4F40-B3BF-320BCB918B5C.jpeg F8219413-3E77-4210-A21E-1E8613C6437C.jpeg 4D38A984-0797-414A-BD36-A1946811C170.jpeg
    archerman likes this.
  3. Jack Caseman

    Jack Caseman Well-Known Member

    do I understand you correctly? you are looking for an old style bt99 old style for trade towards your BT100. Beavertail forearm old style?
  4. Ape82

    Ape82 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I have one in good condition. Pm me for details.
  5. I be confused as to what is going on. We WTB or WTS?
    Wayne J likes this.
  6. Gary Ferrell

    Gary Ferrell Mega Poster