Free Scorers Chair qty 3

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Steve DiLoreto, Jan 10, 2023.

  1. Steve DiLoreto

    Steve DiLoreto Active Member

    12C994C9-DA43-4AE9-BBB5-1AC61077D57E.jpeg 3E77CE55-8BFB-4F94-AE53-8AF4F91B3A4B.jpeg 3 scorers chairs free to any club able to pick them up or arrange your on shipping
    Located in Media PA , 19063
    Message Steve for more info. B80ED03D-65BB-40FB-A99B-D55E80B304D4.jpeg
    BRAD DYSINGER and Flyersarebest like this.
  2. Steve DiLoreto

    Steve DiLoreto Active Member

  3. Steve DiLoreto

    Steve DiLoreto Active Member

  4. Steve DiLoreto

    Steve DiLoreto Active Member

    Still available, great for a small club