Starting to look around for a Zoli z gun with 30” barrels. If you have something I’d be interested in talking about it.
Not really, I just never met anybody who wanted a Zoli. I do like to scrape the cobwebs off their door in the vendor building whenever I visit Cardinal Center though. Roy
Zoli's are very nice guns. I had a Zoli Kronos and foolishly sold it. That is one of two guns that I've sold that I wish I had kept.
I didn't think much of them before I shot one at SC. I don't care about the weight system that they use, but let me tell u something about the SC model that I shot. It was impressive, well balanced, light recoil, I was using 12 ga, 1 1/8, 1265fps loads. Was an easy swinger & broke every target that I was on very well. I can't knock it from my standpoint. Oh. it was 32 inch.
Zoli was promoted at Dawson's a while back. For about an hour.. If Pat can't sell your trap guns, people simply don't want them. Roy
For those that care The Zoli is no longer available. there it is if you like it There it is if you don’t.