Constructive criticism

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by literalist2, Jan 14, 2015.

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  1. literalist2

    literalist2 New Member

    Guys, I'd hoped this would be a nice addition to my shooting sites, but I must state my feelings. First, a disclaimer: I'm also from the old school (started registering in 1964), so I understand some of the grumpiness (everyone is an All American, is an example), but this site is shooting itself in the foot. I also don't like many of the changes to our trapshooting via the ATA, but I just am content to slowly drift away from registered shooting. I've shot Vandalia and Sparta and have accepted the change.

    But to come on here and see Dr. Longshot (for the 1000th time) bitching about Sparta, yardage reductions, shell speed, "easy targets", etc. is enough to turn me off. Doc is obsessed with it, for cryin' out loud. Everyone has read his gripes every chance he gets....but to what good?

    And this grudge match stuff is junior high crap. For goodness sakes. Yes, probably Brad is a better shot...but will that move the grand back to Ohio? Or change the target speed and angles? Or prove that a good shot has a better opinion than someone else? I had a long, long phone conversation with Brad a while back. We agree on a lot of things, for sure, but I'm not interested in reading negative crap about the ATA, the Sparta site (I voted for Amarillo), or those poor fools who have their grand slam on "easy targets."

    So, you can all pile on me, I guess, but the "tone" of this site is negative (read the threads), and I don't want to read about my hobby and constantly be inundated with bitching.

    Just my take, fire away if you want

    Denny Spurling
    Bulge, Stl Flyn and TGV011 like this.
  2. Matt87

    Matt87 Active Member

    I see. We will post what you like.

    Please tell me about your "nice posts".
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  3. literalist2

    literalist2 New Member

    Matt, that's the kind of chit that drives folks ways. I tried to offer a constructive comment...and this is the response.

    I'm frickin' gone.
  4. jmunsell

    jmunsell Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Nobody has to like what anyone post but we can do without the jabs at each other and post your own opinion as you see it. I for one welcome constructive criticism and I have used many of ideas on these site to better my shooting, not that I shoot well, and liter I hope you stay and help make this a better site to come too.
    Bulge and Stl Flyn like this.
  5. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member


    I would bet that 90% + of the members here feel as you do. Problem is they don't post anywhere near as often as the other 10%. I can't stand to read about shell speeds and angles as they were in 1955 or whatever so I just move on to other posts. I also have the utmost respect for any shooter that has completed the Grand Slam regardless of when they did it or on what targets. Shooters don't get to make the rules, they can only shoot what is offered and with legal ammo at the time. I differ from you on the grudge match issue. I thought the DLS/BigDon match was going to be a bust. However, about 800 people turned out to watch two grumpy old men shoot trap. We raised a bunch of cash for charity and the spectators had a blast. If TGV can entice Brad into shooting at Sparta, I would be all for that!

    Michael McGee likes this.
  6. jmunsell

    jmunsell Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Grudge match is fine but don't need to put each other down. Would like to see them coming out of it shaking hands and saying "GOOD SHOOTING".
  7. deepbackwoods

    deepbackwoods Active Member

    I came over here to see what this site was all about after comments via other site.

    This site seems to parallel the other site in many ways. Chest pounding, past history representation for significant meaning, posters repeatedly/continually responding with same drivel, negative accusations periodically stated at others and so forth.
    Bulge likes this.
  8. Matt87

    Matt87 Active Member

    For you that do not know. The Literalist was bad mouthing this site before he was here. Here is just one of his posts.

    I'm apparently blocked from the site. Tried to sign up, but no go. 4 messages to "contact us" have gone unanswered. Must be on their "he ain't good enough" list ??

    He was here to cause trouble. I only asked that he show one of his nice posts. I knew he couldn't. He was a problem for the site before he was here.
    John Trap, tm143 and Flyersarebest like this.
  9. leftout

    leftout Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Matt why don't you do anal extraction. How is what you copied a "bad mouthing the site" I don't know how you don't bleed to death as thin as your skin is.

    I thought Denny was spot on

    Bulge likes this.
  10. Matt87

    Matt87 Active Member

    Sure he is one of the nice guys

    "Throw you out?" I think I offered constructive advice about how to participate in this site. I certainly wouldn't throw you out.
    And what's this "referring to genitalia" stuff? I never did that in my posts to you. If you're reading something about genitalia in my replies, I'd suggest a visit to a psychiatrist...SOON!!!
    And "morons?" That's a nice touch. A bit 3rd-gradish for such an erudite poster, eh wot?
    But maybe you're on to something. I think I'll go on one of my guitar playing websites and post "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and "The Tell-Tale Heart."
    I'm sure they'll like that.

    I will not post the rest.... it is being erased anyway.
    John Trap likes this.
  11. Matt87

    Matt87 Active Member

    He implied he doesn't want arguing but taunts you to respond by saying "fire away."

    We don't do that in Chicago if we want to be friends.
  12. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    LITERALIST: I GUESS YOUR HAPPY WITH THE WAY THE ATA HAS TAKEN OUR ORGANIZATION DOWN THE GOLDEN PATH TO EASYDOM Well I'm not, I am a dyed in the wool trapshooter who is not afraid of competition, I am old school, 3 hole angle 50-52 yard targets, using 3 dram 1200 fps shells, and I got a 100 straight in hdcp from 24.5 yards July 4th 1970 Springfield, Ohio, I have several 200 strts, numerous is more correct, and several 98s on Dbls and they were not on 2 hole targets or voice calls, hand pulled, I was in my 30s then
    and now at 73 yrs old I still like the old fashioned competitive targets, the ATA was known for, until all of you were hood winked by actions of an CORRUPT EC and good ole boy delegates. I want the ATA like Brad does to be the way it was before the rules were bent, broken, and changed, readinig into SHELL speeds using the +90fps or -90 fps and obtaining 1290 fps, if you want to be misled, so be it, but it is costing you the ATA, my health and being retired stops me from shooting ATA targets, When I owned my own business I had some of the best guns, traveled all over the USA to shoot, only place I wanted to go to but couldn't was the GOLDEN WEST GRAND. I shot Camp Troy Gun Club and won lots of big money there, but you guys will never see it because it is closed down, you can now only read about the good times we all had their every night of Grand Week, and every night of the Ohio State Shoot, you've missed and you will never ever see it again.
    I've had my say, so Litterlist, you and guys like Big Don and Barfin pile on, I ain't no virgin. But I want the ATA the way it should be and was competitive, Integrity, honesty, something our ATA, EC, and BOD do not have. But I am a LIFE MEMBER of the ata, it's getting smaller
    John Trap likes this.
  13. deepbackwoods

    deepbackwoods Active Member

    Sure doesn't take long to make a point!
  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    And after this guy went through all the trouble of making it onto the "good enough" list. He up and leaves?

    As if he had any intentions of staying. Now THAT's funny.

    AND NO, I do not shoot ATA targets anymore but I am still a Trapshooter.

    John Trap likes this.
  15. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Longshot, all you do now, and did before, was complain about the ATA. We get tired of hearing the same old chit. Why don't you quit beating a dead horse. Try to get on the board and change it if you don't like it, but please quit the damn complaining.
    I tried to say a few times on here just what the Literalist said so eloquently. You guys are shooting this site in the foot. I can't see why people would stay on here if it's more of the same crap as the other site. I suggest you turn it around soon. Bulge.
  16. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member


    Not everyone has the ability to post the funny stuff you posted on the off topic section recently. Some where in Longshot's posts you have to admit there is some humor.

    I can name a few weak minded folks that are addicted to LS. I think at one time a 12 step group was formed to handle that malady.

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member

    Nobody is blocked. The person that said he was blocked was allowed access nearly immediately.
  18. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Family, at first on the other site yes, there was humor in his constant complaining, but it gets tiring after a LONG while. The Lone Crusader is not going anywhere with his complaints on these sites. All it does it stir the masses. He has to be more professional about it and take it to the ATA. If that doesn't get him anywhere he should just drop it. He is not doing the shooting world any good. Bulge.
    Michael McGee and nudie like this.
  19. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Huh, I wonder why in the world anyone would say that they tried four times.

  20. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Other than Barfin I am not aware of someone saying they were blocked multiple times. Is that who you are referring to? Bulge.

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member

    Bulge sir,

    I am in charge of maintaining that part of the site. There are 2 usernames that had problems and had to be manually assisted. That was during the beta test. We needed a failure to test the system. The software keeps records of these issues. I get the system alert like Batman getting the Bat Signal.

    I am very much aware of the person's claims you have mentioned. They are false. That username was also granted nearly instant access.

    If there are issues we want to know about it.

    John Trap likes this.
  22. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    As Matt87 posted, username The Literalist, was accusing the site of blocking him.

    And really who cares why. The more the merrier.
  23. Bar-Fin

    Bar-Fin New Member

    Well Bulge, thanks for the assistance. It took a few days for the signup glitch to clear itself up. As of a few minutes ago I received the email authorization to join this pimply-assed autistic collection of reprobates living in the past.
    My first and last post.

  24. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Maybe that decision is better for you and for this site. Bulge.
  25. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I really enjoyed the last 5 words in this insightful post.

    And to think, from the sign on date it only took 8 days to come up with it.

    John Trap and Family Guy like this.

    MODERATOR 1 Administrator Staff Member

    He was actually one of the first to ask for membership. :)
  27. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member


    As you can see in the gray box, you will see when he was confirmed. Jan. 6, 2015

    Liar, liar, pants on fire!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2015
  28. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    The 6th Family Guy.
    Bar-Fin New Member
    Jan 6, 2015
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  29. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    So he was a member for how long? Since the 6th. How can that be as he says he only became a member due to your assistance last night?
  30. tm143

    tm143 New Member

    Who really cares or should?

    I think that is one of Neil's pals.
    John Trap and Flyersarebest like this.
  31. leftout

    leftout Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Talk about a bunch of picky old ladies. What the difference does it make.?? Let's just make him out to be liar and get rid of him. You ladies piss and moan about the most insignificant things. You are such detectives.

    Bulge likes this.
  32. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The thread title is "constructive criticism" ..... so here is some ....

    Never use "pimply-assed" and "reprobates" together to belittle those who are supposed to read it.
    MODERATOR 1, Flyersarebest and Bulge like this.
  33. Forehire

    Forehire Member Founding Member

    Hi Guy.s: Carry On
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