“I don’t understand the reasoning, I really don’t,” Gipson said. On June 30, Rauner dealt the WSRC another blow when he voted a $157,000 earmark for road resurfacing inside the complex. “We gave the state everything we could when we moved here,” Gipson said. “Everything that wasn’t nailed down at Vandalia, we gave to them for the shooting complex.” You have to love the quote where he brags he gave everything that wasn't nail down in Vandalia. Blagojevich is in jail. Gipson cant figure out where they might have made a small mistake. This guy has to buy clue.
Family Guy, Flyers, Come on now guys don't you stay up on what's happening. There's a secret negotiation that has been going on and everything's going to be alright once the plan is put in place. I was getting negative but now I've seen the light. Trust, gentlemen, trust!!
I just figured FG wanted to type the words VETOED the earmark, as in "I don't want to throw any more money into that pit" and not VOTED, as in voted for spending more.
It appears Gipson is the "Talking Head (puppet) " for the ATA, not saying much other than he don't understand ... (Gross understatement) ... Trapwife mentioned there is some negotitaion (keeping it quiet) going on and everything will be alright ... I would guess the State would or should suggest (demand) that any shooting organizations who use the facility pay to offset the States losses ... I would of done that in the first place plus the $3.00 per event ... The ATA agreed to more than one (little BIG) shoot, not sure what happened with that and my memory isn't what it used to be ... I'm sure someone can clearify or update us on that ... I got more than a dozen more calls from friends who live in Illinois and never knew of the WSRC, let alone that it was a bleeder of tax dollars ... Its embaressing so I just tell all of them that I quit before all this happened and its news to me also ... WPT ... (YAC) ...