Krieghoff K80 TS Stock sold

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by little gambler, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. little gambler

    little gambler Active Member

    Early Trap Special buttostock. Is the early universal model. Lop is 14.75. Pitch cut to 0°
    Kickeeze pad. Stock shows very few marks. No splits in tang. No splits in rear of trigger area. Zero toe, zero offset. Will work righty or lefty. Nice figure. Nice solid stock. Would be good candidate for someone adding 1/2” or more of height to your rib. P.M. me if you need to talk about it.

    600.00 shipped to your door.

    Attached Files:

  2. little gambler

    little gambler Active Member

    The perfect way to spend a stimulus check.......
  3. little gambler

    little gambler Active Member

  4. little gambler

    little gambler Active Member