Jim Zahm release trigger ...Can someone help me on , How to adjust the set and release on this trigger. It is for the TM series Perazzi,very well made. Thanks
Looks to be a different frame on a TM1 concept. What is wrong with the t rigger feel now? I see same sear, same coil spring, same hammer leverage. A goodtrigger smithcanadjust this for you. I do not see any adjustments on the ext erior. It does not release. Pull only
What I understand the pull set and release can be set. It can also be set for a pull trigger. I will tear into it tomorrow. Everything works but it needs to be a little quicker.Thanks
The set screw in the back holds the position of the release sear. Loosen it and move reward to make it faster. Put blue loc tite back on when you tighten it back up. Pull weight is not adjustable.