Top single 34”. O/U 32”. Flush chokes , top single is full, O/U is Imp Mod& Full. Excellent condition; very tight. Beautiful wood. ISIS II recoil reducer and stock Beretta pad included. LOP with ISIS IS 14.5”. With Beretta pad it’s 13.5”. Includes Beretta manual, stock wrench, choke tube wrench, ISIS manual and extra parts, Negrini case,( case needs new center lock mechanism). Love the DT-10, but don’t need two of them! Additional photos available on request. $6500 includes shipping to your FFL.
I tried to send a PM but it would not allow me to it to you. Is there any way to speak to you by phone? I have several questions.
Dear Moderator: As stated above, this gun IS available for sale. Can you please remove “ Sold” from the ad? Thanks