they are chocolate brown in color correct ? if they are i am agreeable to your terms. it is $ 20.00 plus shipping . my e mail is so we can exchange info.
i am interested in the 4 bags. how much to get them to 44216 . please advise where to remit funds. if you do not want the world to know some of your personal info.
All things look like a go for the Aug. shoot. At least we can save the shipping if it works. Let's wait.
12 s 4 wads are you still planning on going to the cardinal center for the august shoot. any how will you let me know . i have pulled a spot to shoot on wed. fri. sun. handicaps hopefully we will be able to get together . i am looking for 4 bags of 12 s 4 wads to refresh your memory. if you still have them available . thankyou
oleolliedawg, if ok with you I will contact you at the Cardinal, and take the remaining 12s4's you have. It will be Thursday the 20th before I will be there. Look forward to meeting you.