For Sale: Used John Hall 2 gun 3 Barrel Case: This Case will hold Barrels up to 34" Long. See Pictures. Price: $150 Shipped If you should have questions, please pm or call me at 775-742-2843. Thanks, Rich Bullard, Jr.
If your case actually holds two guns and 3 barrels I'll take it ! If so are you sure you have the right price on it? John Hall cases were $350.00 when they were new I dont want to take advantage of you. I know you're new to the site and maybe trying to get some name recognition but most people already recognize you as one of the top shooters in the country. I saw where you shot 100x100 at the Grand last year from the fence, you must have made a ton of money on the options. Contact me for shipping information. Joescout.
Joe scout, The Americas is yours for $125 shipped. Please let me know if you would like me to arrange financing as I know you are on a limited budget. Case has been sold! RIch Bullard, Jr.
Money is not a problem ! Welfare check was right on time this month, just waiting for another government stimulus check so I can buy a gun to put in the case. I was thinking of getting involved in one of these peaceful protests maybe the march will swing by a sporting goods store where can pickup a protester special ! JoeScout