We used to shoot Games on Friday night and let the puller set the targets, it made for some good fun and was a challenge that was welcomed ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
If we want to attract the Sporties we need to offer an event that would be more challenging than boring 16 yd targets.
The ATA promoted the sporting clays game by turning trap into a feelgood game. When real competitive shooters wanted harder targets the ATA went the other way and made them easier. They decided they were smarter than the members they were supposed to represent. So now we have lost at least 60% of our shooters and the EC has no idea of how to reclaim them as members. Very sad. Roger C.
Bunker only attracts a few foreigners with little knowledge of the whereabouts of the deodorant aisle in a supermarket. It goes nowhere-never has,never will. Besides, how many bunker traps would be needed to handle any decent turnouts and at what expense?
I shot bunker many years ago. We used 3 1/4 oz. and 1/4 of plated shot. It was a fun side line. never had a large following. Trap was a different game back then also. Roger C.
Just look at the rules for Down the Line, the trap game that the rest of the world shoots. All that is necessary is to re-set the machines. Period. And BTW there is a real world's championship that is held in a different country each year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down-The-Line
DTL, sounds like a lot of fun--by the way I follow an Australian shooter Russell Marks and his website Go Shooting.com--lots of good advice
The majority of American trapshooters only shoot a single barrel. Many don't even own a double barrel. That said, a single barrel is too slow to reload for the 2nd shot.
So shoot it single barrel. They are not everyday but competitions are won now and then with perfect 300 point scores as in every target was broken with the first barrel. Lotsa people go on about wanting a better game but we all know that is never gonna happen. And I'd bet vital body parts on that.