Talking Numbers SCTP Trapshooting Tom Wondrash National Director

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Family Guy, Mar 25, 2020.

  1. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    I spoke with Tom Wondrash, SCTP National Director, about a few topics thrown about the forum.

    The big well is trapshooting doing? And who or what defines the sport. I asked for some numbers to support some discussions.

    He gave me some interesting numbers.

    The SCTP Championships at the Cardinal Center had more participants in the singles event than the ATA singles event in Sparta. (10 more years)

    The SCTP had more participants at the Cardinal Center than the ATA event had in Sparta. Of course not all were trapshooters.

    So who has more trapshooters, the ATA or the SCTP? As per Mr. Wonrash, the SCTP has approximately 13,500 trapshooters. They are mandated to be ATA members.

    That 13,500 makes up a big chunk of the ATA, if you accept the ATA numbers.

    When I was a kid we didn’t have youth programs like this.

    It was Jammer that dragged me to the Grand at Vandalia. We were college kids and we were among the youngest. I was hooked.

    So how is trapshooting doing now? I think if you look at the SCTP numbers darn good.

    Thanks To Mr Wonrash for his time. I have more numbers for later.

    Time for a graph.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2020
  2. Warren61

    Warren61 Active Member

    Who saw that coming?
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I can think of one guy that DIDN'T. Mr. "How about if we offer you free targets?"

    Actually there were a bunch of "ata only" people that never saw it coming.

    The SCTP has a contract. They HAVE to come back after that one year at the CC

    The SCTP will never stay at the CC. They will come back

    I'm sure the SCTP will return to sparta next year

    I can't see the SCTP leaving sparta, don't worry, they will be back

    The CC will never sign a contract to stay at the CC, they will come back

    Then BOOM! Right between the eyes.

    Who needs the SCTP? The ata sure doesn't
    Yeah right, like they don't need all those kids shooting registered targets at that place in ILLnews.

    Big deal, the sctp signed a ten year contract with the CC. So what

    No great loss, there is still the AIM program

    So what, sparta won't miss them.

    Won't miss the big Sporting event either will they?

    Well, it looks like it's a done deal, I never thought THAT would happen.

    wpt likes this.
  4. rickyd

    rickyd Active Member

    Great marketing by the SCTP. The management of the SCTP /NSSF is all about the shooting sports and the experience.
  5. iowa guy

    iowa guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Family Guy. I’m pretty sure it’s Wondrash. Last I knew, an ATA membership was not required to participate in the SCTP program. ATA membership was required to shoot in State, Regional and National events.

    I’ve been out of the program for a couple of years so maybe it’s changed, but I don’t think so.
  6. Welther

    Welther Active Member

    Oh my FG. It sounds like Iowa guy is a bit miffed you talked to the SCTP Director. I am not sure why you would join the SCTP if you weren’t going to compete. I wonder how the Iowa kids like the Cardinal Center. They will be there for ten more years. At least that. The ATA is stuck in Sparta.
  7. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    I have mixed feelings about mandating ATA membership but it is hard to debate SCTP and NSSF decisions.
  8. iowa guy

    iowa guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Welther, I don't care that FG talked to Wondrash. Why would I? Just pointed out that he spelled the name wrong and the fact that ATA membership is not required. You can join the SCTP and compete all spring long in the local shoots. Some kids get pulled in different directions once the State shoots come along. Iowa's is in early June. Baseball and softball are in full swing by that time. Some just lose interest. In Iowa about 50% of the SCTP kids participate in the State shoot. Just another fact.

    The kids that I've talked too like the CC. They liked Sparta too. To them it's just a place to shoot.
  9. Welther

    Welther Active Member

    Of course it irks you Iowa. You got on the thread for that reason. Almost all the SCTP trapshooting kids pay to be a member of your holy ATA. And it certainly scorched yer britches that the CC has the kids. And they love it. Go to the cc and ask. Could be you didn’t get a copy of
    the poll the SCTP gave out.

    You didn’t send a pm to FG about the typo. You wanted it public.

    Over 13K kids participated in the SCTP at the State level or higher. And they paid to be a member of the ATA. 6000 SCTP entries at the CC. And they will be there for 10 more years. Put that in yer pipe and smoke it.
  10. iowa guy

    iowa guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Welther you can think what ever you want. Honestly I really don't care where the SCTP holds their shoots. It just doesn't matter to me. I've said this before on here, I don't think the SCTP kids should required to join the ATA. Not sure how that jives with your F'd up rant above.

    Welther you're a hater and that's fine with me. I really don't give a shit about you or your dumb ass attitude towards the ATA.
  11. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    "dumb ass attitude towards the ATA", well, it goes to show ya, not everyone drank the ATA's KoolAid. Even though I've only been shooting ATA targets since 1973 and never left my head in the sand like many others, I suppose I'm sorta qualified to offer an opinion. Having seen some questionable incidents by former ATA officials, decision making that likely lined the pockets of several, coddling professional shooters and accounts lined with unlimited shooting and travel expenses for some-all on the members dime should even get a blind man's attention. Getting rid of Frank Rively when he attempted to unravel their schemes should tell even the dumbest among us something in the organization was amiss.
    History Seeker, Michael McGee and wpt like this.
  12. Welther

    Welther Active Member

    Iowa misinterpreted my statement that the ATA is stuck in Sparta. I didn’t say that as an attack on the ATA. Just a matter of fact. I shoot registered targets and this is not the ATA only site.
    Flyersarebest likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Over a third of active ATA members are SCTP shooters. I wish the SCTP would not make their kids register ATA targets at all. Only the singles are registered at the CC. shoot.
  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Your attitude towards the dumbass ata.

    Fixed it for ya
  15. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Took the words right out of my mouth !

    Take the total of membership of the ATA (actual numbers, not the ones the ATA feeds us), subtract the youth members of SCTP, and that is a pretty good indication of where the membership of the ATA is heading.

    I went down to the new trap field that was (is) being constructed near my home to try it out. This was the opening day to shoot there.

    Believe it or not, the gal told me I was the first to shoot on the field.

    I asked where all the guys in the 50 or so cars were that were in the parking lot, and she told me they ALL decided to shoot Sporting Clays rather than trap because they thought it was more fun. Boy was that a confirmation wake up call for me.

    These guys "Were" trap shooters, but the appeal of Sporting won out yesterday.

    You sure could tell this was the only club open in the surrounding area with all the cars there. Too bad nobody would shoot with me... LOL

    If things keep going like this, no club will have trap of skeet fields left.
    oleolliedawg likes this.