I've lost about 15 lbs, now my bead alignment isn't straight on, the mid-bead is right of the front bead--I believe I should move the comb to the right to get proper alignment Is this correct?
Looking down the rib you would move the comb to the left (into your cheek), granted that you are right handed.
You should practice mounting your gun in front of a mirror until you feel its going to the same place every time. THEN go to the pattern board to see where your gun is actually shooting. If you have an adjustable butt plate, it may need to be adjusted. From your pattern, if you need to move your shot right, you move the comb right, same for left. If you are high move comb down to lower POI, same for low (go up). Congratulations on weight loss! Your mid bead should be like a snowman, with front bead on top. This is where you may need an adjustable butt plate if your mount is not changing and the beads are still off.
An easy way ro remember this is the shot follows thecomb. But, as suggested above, bead alignment is not what you are after. The goal is to have the gun shoot where you look. Make your adjustments to reach that point.
Phil. If you have lost weight, it would seem your face would be further into the comb of your gun. Question: Are you left handed ? With the description of your problem, it sounds like you are, and with that being said YES, move your comb to the Right to get your beads aligned. But first, I would print the gun to paper as suggested above. IF the POI is now not left or right of the Center Line, Black out that center bead, and forget it.
Comb offset is exactly what traditional cast accomplishes. Any try-stock or anatomical stock reveals that instantly. Buttplate offset moves the WHOLE gun without changing the comb/rib relationship - - and so not necessarily the eye/rib component. Folks that don't understand that spend megatime putzing around with adjustable stocks and then wonder why it's so complicated. Actually it is about as TabA/SlotB as it gets.