Despite passing a record income tax hike in 2017, Illinois’ pension health remains the nation’s worst, according to one of the world’s leading credit rating agencies. A new report from Moody’s Investors Service shows in fiscal year 2018, Illinois’ unfunded pension liability stood at nearly $241 billion, leaving each Illinoisan on the hook for $18,896 in pension debt. These findings follow Illinois Policy Institute research, which has found Illinois’ pension debt has continued to balloon since 2011 after an income tax hike that year and another in 2017. Not lookin good kids … WPT … (YAC) ….
WPT, Ilinois is broke, lots of states are broke..Who cares.not my problem..I shot two days a week.I am retired.I live in Ilinois.I have money to shoot and live the good life.I don't spend my life worrying about the thing I can't change. IF I were you I would just do the things that are fun and enjoy your life.Dont worry about Sparta or Vandalia or the Cardinal center.Shoot for your own personal enjoyment. If you run out of money you can get a job as a Wal mart greater Dont watch the stupid TV..
Palos Shooter, Didn't intend to make any personal attack on anyone, agree with you about personal enjoyment 100% … I am not worried about Sparta, actually I was not worried about it the day they moved there but I did anticipate exactly what has ( has not ) happened since the ATA re located there … I think we can agree that eventually the facility (all facilities) need some degree of maintenance and without any available funding someone will have to pick up the tab … I was in Sparta long before anyone got the brain storm to move what was once an event that people looked forward to attending on an annual basis, based on actually being there I could not imagine any one coming up with that cock a meme idea … Enjoy your retirement and shooting, I know I am … Now that the weather is breaking (cooling off a little bit ) I intend to get back shooting again but it will not be registered, lost interest in the ATA when they lost interest in the membership … WPT … (YAC) … Where do you propose the State get the money to maintain the States Parks, not that I care ..?
A couple of questions, please. Have your property taxes gone up? Have your property values gone down? Are you comfortable being defrauded by the State of Illinois? Are you comfortable being defrauded by the ATA?
I see nothing wrong with people keeping us informed about the state of Illinois. knowledge only helps us make informed decisions on our future and future plans. sticking your head in the sand and pretending like everything is fine is going to bite you in the ass sooner or later. karma is a b***h!!
Phantom.My ATA dues. are 20 bucks,the price of a few beers.I can afford them.My property taxes are low because I get a senior discount,long time resident discount,and a Homestead discount.I also get a vehicle discount on my car.There are about 6 gun clubs that are close driving distance.I don't have time for the political nonsense from the media.When I die I will let my kids worry about selling off my assets.Untill then I will shoot and spend as much as possible.Live every day as if it is your last day, Life is to be enjoyed.
Enjoyment can be found in many, many places. Busting a bastards nose makes me smile from ear to ear. Sometimes, I even giggle. Turning a blind eye to corruption is wrong. I get absolutely no enjoyment out of things that are wrong.
Well the ATA and fools ponied up to build the STATE if Illinois a horse barn, and then the ATA assessed each shooter a buck per event to help pay for it, why not access shooters another couple of bucks for each event for continued maintenance of the place. The shooters there are the only ones who are enjoying the place, NOT the majority of ATA members who gave up $250,000.00 for the horse barn.
Personally, I would not give them any ideas, it will not effect me either way being as I am done shooting registered ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
More Illinois News From NRA-ILA Support NRA-ILA The Illinois state Joint Committee on Administrative Rules is in the process of imposing an additional, onerous layer of state licensing on federally licensed firearm dealers (Senate Bill 337). The proposed rules could potentially strangle your local gun stores with government red tape. Public comments against such oppression are due by October 7th. Please contact the committee and urge them not to shut down small businesses with political garbage that doesn’t increase public safety. While the purported intent of this law was to enhance “responsible business practices,” its true intention is to shut down as many federally licensed firearm dealers (FFLs) as possible. The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) already licenses and closely monitors all FFLs, while strictly enforcing any violation of federal law. SB 337 is not only unnecessary, but it expands mandatory regulations and red tape in order to force the closure of most firearm dealers (and prevent prospective owners from opening new ones). For example, the proposed rules would require licensed firearm dealers to install security systems rivaling those of most FDIC-insured banks and casinos. Another particularly expensive proposal would require the installation of license plate-reading cameras in parking lots 24 hours a day, seven days a week. That would not only require each dealer, regardless of how small the business, to purchase and install expensive high definition cameras complete with night vision or strong lighting. Expensive storage for the video data would be required as well, assuming such bandwidth is even available within our smaller communities. After stoking hostility to the Second Amendment among larger national retailers, these same politicians are now hoping to shutter the smaller, independently owned businesses within our local community. By forcing local gun shops to collapse under the weight of government red tape, Senate Bill 337 would ultimately put commonly used firearms and ammunition out of reach for many law-abiding citizens, especially in rural areas. Please contact the committee and tell them enough is enough. Do not let them curb your freedoms by putting your local gun stores out of business. Joint Committee on Administrative Rules Co-Chairman Sen. Don Harmon 217-782-8176 Co-Chairman Rep. Keith Wheeler 217-782-1486 Sen. Kimberly Lightford 217-782-8505 Sen. Tony Munoz 217-782-9415 Sen. Sue Rezin 217-782-3840 Sen. Paul Schimpf 217-782-8137 Sen. Chuck Weaver 217-782-1942 Rep. Tom Demmer 217-782-0535 Rep. Mike Halpin 217-782-3835 Rep. Frances Ann Hurley 217-782-8200 Rep. Steven Reick 217-782-1717 Rep. Andre Thapedi 217-782-1702
WOW, this is the first I have heard of this … Nothing surprises me any more … WPT … (YAC) … Thank you HB , you the man, man …
I can see cameras throughout the parking, camping area in the World Shooting complex because of the one or two vendors who will still be selling guns. OR, I can see the total elimination of GUN vendors there so the State doesn't have to install those cameras. Thanks HB for this update.
I'm sure the costs will be passed on to the shooters or the vendors. Another nail in the coffin for the Sparta facility. Roger C.
I am thinking the Executive Director of the ATA will find a way to sell his guns there. Competition isn’t always good.
I see the day that you won't need a gun to shoot the grand. Just pay your entree fee (including a few bucks for the HOF) and you're in the drawing for the points. Think of the money you can save. Maybe the grand can be held by e-mail and a few tweets. Think how large that will be, way bigger than Vandalia ever was. Oh the FANTASTIC direction that will be.
The State of Illinois has had daily updates that will not be advantages to shooting or shooters on any level ... There is a poll that was taken that says 61% of the States population would consider leaving the State if certain things are added or taken away and 50% of the State population is contemplating making a move in the near future ... The Pensions paid to over 25 % of those collecting have moved to other states for more favorable weather conditions , this adds up to just over 2.8 Billion dollars paid that is being spent in other states which eliminates any revenues for Illinois ... The people who are on Pension in the remaining 75% said they would move if the tax issues got any worse in the State of Illinois ... The Honorable Gov Pritzger wants to mandate what is being called a Fair Tax across the board on any and all residents, many of the residents will be forced to move if it passes based on the percentages they will be obligated to pay ... I do not want to flood Americantrapshooting .com with all of the particulars but they are readily available on the State of Illinois Web Site for anyone interested, many have been posted on Face Book that will link you to the State of Illinois web site ... There are many prescribed cuts over and above cuts that have already been made to most of the States Individual Depts, IDNR is one of the bigger cuts if all goes as planned by the States Elected Officials ... Get in, sit down, shut up, and hold on, because this is going to be one bumpy ass shitty road ... WPT .. (YAC) ...