The preferred method to raise the poi among the shooters I run into seems to be raising the comb, vs adjusting the barrel when both options are available. Is this typical where you are, if so, or, why one method over the other?
Raising or lowering the rib just changes your visual or figure 8. Raising/lowering the comb will raise/lower your POI. Manufacturers are all a little differant but on Perazzis, if you move the comb up an 1/8", you drop the front rib down a notch and the back rib up a notch. This raises the POI apprx. 3". You would do the opposite to lower the POI.
The only reason I am raising my barrels rib on my 90T is because I can't lower my comb any farther to LOWER my POI -- Then I have all my adjustment with my Comb
To each his own. I use MY WAY TO RAISE POI, and it's been working 50+ Years. GB...........................DLS
Shooting a piece of paper with a stationary shotgun is one thing ..... mounting then swinging to a moving target is much different ..... If you change the angle of the rib, and you want mounting the shotgun to stay the same, you would need to adjust the comb and recoil pad the same amount of up or down ..... If you raise/lower the comb only, the recoil pad height difference from the comb would change ..... Mounting a shotgun and moving it to a moving target should include ALL the adjustments, not JUST what Bubba says works for him .....
Only in that the barrel is moving further/faster on one than it is on the other. The sight picture should not change, nor should the POI....not unless you are lifting your head as you swing.
I prefer the Adjustable Rib w/front & Rear rib adjustments, w adjustable Recoil pad for PERFECT ADJUSTMENT of POI for me. Most new TRAP GUNS are set up this way, it is by FAR the very best. GB.............................................................DLS