Have fun out there in Marengo, OH- Cardinal Center @ Cardinal Classic - sid

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Sparta Sid, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    ata accouting

    You always round up. How high you round up depends on how much BS you think people will believe.
  2. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Don't know much about fishing do you? FYI, we had a great time this year at CC in the fishing pond. One beautiful largemouth bass, some smaller ones, a few nice catfish (one huge one got away) some unusual large fish that looked like striped bass and a whole bunch of bluegills.
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Would you happen to know the person that won the Fishburn Handicap, (event #2) with a 98?
  4. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Sure do. He's working on getting a good nights sleep in his room next door to ours. We're quite proud.
    Michael McGee and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  5. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You should be. Tell him congratulations.
    Michael McGee likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    The ATA had been making a bunch of rule changes in the late 90's early 2000's before the move that had a major affect on registered shooting. A move to take the money out of the sport (ribbon shooters) softening and shortening the targets, going to 50 then 100 on a trap, even the bank system all led to higher scores. In the belief that it would help the poorer shot more than the better shot, that's why they did it but it was wrong as the easier trap got it just helped the better shooter more.

    So as this was going on they moved the grand ignoring their own $50K survey and we have what we have. I agree that sporting clays has taken a lot of trap shooters.

    The numbers for all big shoots are down in the same period. The rules need to be fixed. Small clubs that shoot non registered meat shoots around me are doing great. About 80% of the shooters at one of these shoots are non ATA members or past ATA members that have quit going to ATA shoots, not quit trap shooting.
    Sportshot2 likes this.
  7. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "that have quit going to ATA shoots, not quit trap shooting" ..... true ..... but many are not as serious about shooting Trap as they were .....

    Think of beer as Trapshooting ..... if ..... people who drink a couple of beers, a couple of times per week, started drinking a single beer once a week, the ENTIRE beer industry would suffer as well as the local watering-holes .....

    Local Trapshooting is doing OK ..... but, I remember a time, when the local shooters would gripe about the number of serious shooters invading their local Club to shoot all day .....

    As in everything ..... many had much more hope than ability ..... but, when the requirement exceeds the hope, thus eliminating ANY hope, you get what you now have .....
  8. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Need to conduct a survey to see how many current and potential trapshooters shoot for money only. I see lots of people shooting handicap only which tells me they shoot for money whatever the amount is. I know lots of people, me included, who could care less about the money and trinkets. I shoot just for fun and to be competitive but if I don't win anything, so be it. Trapshooting is an expensive sport which can account for the falling numbers. Even though Sporting Clays is big I don't think they have as large a tournament as the Grand.
    Sportshot2 likes this.
  9. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "Need to conduct a survey to see how many current and potential trapshooters shoot for money only." ..... already happened for past shooters ..... look around ..... just count the numbers of when there was "money", and now when there isn't .....

    If some have not been around long enough to "see" the dramatic decline ..... they should listen to those who have .....

    Think of this ..... small Trap Clubs were popping up everywhere, to handle the amount of Week-End Warriors looking for a place to perform where their ability fit ..... Now those same Clubs are closing and not many are taking their place ..... it IS NOT because many people have died ..... it is systemic failure from the top making it's way down .....

    People always use "cost" as the primary factor ... well ...not true in the way they want to represent "cost",that being too much and out of reach ... it is true in the way that without big money within the hope range, many can find other things more exciting to do at the same "cost" .....

    Breaking those last targets for "money", is something you have to live to understand ..... Take that away, and you have a boring way to piss-away time, money(cost), and effort .....

    God bless those who removed "money" because it was above their ability ..... they should just stop trying to blame the dramatic decline on things that are not true .....
    BRAD DYSINGER and HistoryBuff like this.
  10. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Local Trapshooting is thriving where I live. Only about 10% in the ATA. Money and the inability to win even trinkets keep most away. Lots of people see no reason to drive themselves to do better.
  11. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The days of shooting for money are long past, used to shoot the Grand and head for Tipp City at night and shoot for the real money ... It used to be a good way to pay for your trip to Vandalia and have a ball doing it ... The people seemed to be a lot different then in a good sort of way ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    BRAD DYSINGER and Flyersarebest like this.
  12. Sportshot2

    Sportshot2 Active Member

    God bless those who removed "money" because it was above their ability ..... they should just stop trying to blame the dramatic decline on things that are not true .....

    So there previously was big money in trapshooting? I can recall that the Mint in LasVegas had big shoots years ago with cars as Prizes but outside of hearing those stories I have no idea that there was a lot of money to be won shooting trap.

    So what do you believe caused the decline in shooters at the Grand, no money to win or it being in Sparta? If it’s a money thing from what I hear of Cardinal Shooting Center they could hold big money shoots that have nothing to do with the ATA. Put a $1000 or whatever amount as an entry fee and have at it. Winner take all, pay to 20 places, whatever, if there are still shooters who want it to be a money game would they participate? Boxed birds was a big money game in years gone by but now if there is a shoot they keep it as quiet as possible so PETA doesn’t have a fit!
    Mike J likes this.
  13. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "So what do you believe caused the decline in shooters at the Grand" ..... now we are back to just the "Grand", not just "money" shooting .....

    I put this in a different post ..... The Grand/Sparta is a location, Vandalia was a destination ..... if you know the difference, you will figure out the biggest "cause" .....

    The Missouri Fall Handicap is the ONLY place my wife will travel to a "Shoot" ..... It has so much more than being in BFE and "camping" by a carp pond in the heat, with nothing to do other than marathon shooting .....

    The "Grand" location is poor, and the marathon shooting for points and a plastic duck doesn't have the ability to draw shooters like the ATA dreams it will .....

    A location that is enjoyable to spend days, and return some hope of winning something, could make the Grand, grand again ..... Telling everyone how stupid they are for not buying what the ATA is selling ..... will make it impossible to restore anything grand to the Grand .....
    BRAD DYSINGER and wpt like this.
  14. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    The blue collar weekend warriors from PA and OH brought in the money. We found a way to get rid of them. It was by design.
    Michael McGee and Flyersarebest like this.
  15. chris henr

    chris henr Active Member

    It Wasn't Just Pa And Oh Blue Collar Shooters That Were Lost.
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.