Pre Lim Guaranteed Purse

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by lord maker, Aug 10, 2019.

  1. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    Good Morning!

    The pre lim cap purse of $30k had 536 entries @ $35 each for a total of $18,760. The ATA covered $11,240 on this one event!

    I would rather see the $ spread around more or not spent in the first place.
  2. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    HIGH GUN purse

    One would have to be HIGH to play it.
  3. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Wonder what would happen if the ATA would stop trying to support their poster boy, and try something different ..... like .....

    Pay "guaranteed" 1k to each of the top 30 SCORES, NOT the "top shooters", for their "guaranteed" 30k .....

    The down side would be each shooter could not win more than 1k with this option ..... the plus side would be you may get lucky and be the only 74 and get the 1k ..... or one of two 84's and get 500 bucks each, and so on .....

    You would be almost "guaranteed" some kind of return for your 35 bucks, even if you lost a little .....

    "Guaranteed" little checks may attract some interest ..... almost "guaranteed" donating to a "hi-gun purse", not so much .....
    rrisum and History Seeker like this.
  4. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    Has the poster boy done anything to draw people to the sport? Or even act as am ambassador? Why so much protection etc for him?

    To me this high gun purse is like playing "00" on roulette. The payout is exciting, your odds not so much.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Maybe it will come out of Gibson's grand bonus check.
    History Seeker likes this.
  6. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    $8,895 contributed in GAH. Odd thing all 4 99s played the purse, only 2 played the lewis?
    wpt likes this.

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    hard to believe that two short yardage shooters from KY would break 99's and BOTH PLAYED THE PURSE!!!!! Go figure.
  8. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Big Papa,

    Goes to show US that them boys from them thar hills ain't so stupid as the rest.

    They took the money of the stupid ones.
    Michael McGee and oleolliedawg like this.
  9. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    They didn't take this good old boy's money, cause I didn't go!
  10. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Well hello rookie

    Long time no hear
    History Seeker and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  11. BIG PAPA

    BIG PAPA Forum Reporter Founding Member Forum Reporter

    They did not get any of my money. Although, funds that the ATA has are actually it's members money, so, I guess all of us dummies are letting them give our money away. NEVER PLAY A HIGH GUN PURSE UNLESS YOU ARE A TOP GUN or a sandbagger.
  12. patch 2

    patch 2 Active Member

    24.5 yard sandbagger??
  13. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    They get NOTHING from me any more !

    I'm still on the rolls as a member but haven't been for several years now.

    Left disgusted in the organization and offers to assist them were turned down.

    I am just an ordinary guy, wasn't one of the BOYS.

    I do still enjoy going to the club and shoot with my friends though.
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  14. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    People complain when there is no money for the top shooters and then they complain when the top guys get some money. Lard help me.

    I didn't play the high gun guaranteed purse but I have no problem with the ATA spending some of the $19 million to support the sport.
    Elsie likes this.
  15. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Tell them Mike.

    SO WHAT!

    As far as LARD helping?

    I think enough lard was used when the building deal went through.

    Somebody got greased that's for sure
  16. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Funny! :D

    The LARD made us $19 million and counting rich. And we don't have to deal with planes flying over and artificial background. :D
  17. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "The LARD made us $19 million and counting rich." ......

    Who is this "us" ??????

    Are you telling everyone your status in the inner-circle who share these claims of "rich" ??????
  18. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    like the card carrying ATA members. I am a life member so when the ATA dissolves I'll get my share so you might be on to something.
  19. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "I am a life member so when the ATA dissolves I'll get my share" ...... really ?????????
    wpt likes this.
  20. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Mike J, care for some Kool aid, rose colored glasses with a bag of chips ..? WPT ... (YAC) ...
  21. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    FWIW "Mike J" ..... Your "life membership" in the "ATA" keeps you from paying an annual membership ..... and the paper it is on could always be used in a port-o-potty in an emergency ..... period .....

    I guess you could include the requirement for a "life membership" to become an "US" ..... But, if you are already that morally-bankrupt you need the "LARD" more than a "life membership" .....

    And "Mike J" ..... why do you not use your cheap photo-shop program here when you visit ????????
    wpt likes this.
  22. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    YOU don't have to deal with that many shooters at that place in Illnews either do you?
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  23. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Nothing funny about it. The ata screwed up on a Monstrous almost unbelievable scale and they can't acknowledge it.

    SO WHAT!

    You can shoot at that outpost in the middle of BFN all you want. Keep telling yourself it is the Golden Age of trapshooting
    Sad, but for you it just might be your golden age after all. I feel sorry for you.

    Only 1,978 shooters making the trip to the WORLD Shooting complex. Pathetic!

    Mike, think about what you are writing.

    "planes flying overhead"?

    If you were looking at airplanes instead of what you were supposed to be looking at that might explain your scores. EXCUSE!!!!!

    Artificial backgrounds?

    NOTHING artificial about it. It's a REAL shot curtain. I'm not an expert on how they work but I'm pretty sure the shot hits them and then falls to the ground.

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2019
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  24. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I suppose the shot that falls to the ground at that place in ILLnews can be reclaimed. Isn't there a company close by that can do it? I wonder what they would charge them.
  25. patch 2

    patch 2 Active Member

    I still think that 24.5 yards shouldn't be considered short yardage !! That's five yards farther than the shortest handicap. Let's call it mid yardage. Those Ky boys sure can shoot, how many of them were in the top ten and what were their yardage?
    wpt likes this.
  26. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Michael McGee likes this.
  27. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    "And we don't have to deal with planes flying over and artificial background."

    "Sure wish there were planes flying over at Sparta to explain my pathetic scores. What can I do, some are blessed and I am not one of them."

    OK, now I'm as confused as you are.

    Look on the bright side. Your pathetic scores, as you called them, weren't the only thing pathetic.

    The number of shooters in EVENT 24 is right at the top of the list.

    BTW Mike, there ARE planes flying over that place. They are at 30,000 feet and taking people other places than ILLnews
  28. Mike J

    Mike J Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Why are you confused? You were the one that made the statement "If you were looking at airplanes instead of what you were supposed to be looking at that might explain your scores. EXCUSE!!!!!"
    I thought you know who I am and checked my scores at the Grand thus my statement "Sure wish there were planes flying over at Sparta to explain my pathetic scores." By the way, I did shoot above my average at the Grand but my average is nothing to be proud of. I shoot for fun and relaxation. The Grand is my annual vacation.