Replace our Trap machines ? Suggestions ...

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by turbo38gn, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    Hey Guys nd Gals,

    I'm fairly new at the trap game, but badly hooked and loving every minute of it. Here's what I got, I'm the President of my local Sportsman club, we have about 300 plus members. The club has been around a long time … the trap machine is an old western machine. Works pretty good, but needs constant attention. Now that I am a regular participant at the trap range, I've seen first hand, it's time to upgrade. So I brought it up in front of our board meeting tonight .. it's a go! I've been poking around the last few weeks, I want a single, double, wobble machine, all in one. I'm liking the Pat-trap machine, but there is also several other brands out there, Mec, Atlas .. etc. Any info anyone with experience can share will be greatly appreciated.
  2. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    At our club we just installed 4 new Pat Traps. WE have used Pat Trap for years now. So we up graded to new Machines. Sold 3 used machines to other clubs and kept one for a spare. My feeling is you won't go wrong getting a Pat Trap
    History Seeker and turbo38gn like this.
  3. Remshooter

    Remshooter Mega Poster Founding Member

    Pat traps and don't look back. Can find some decent buys if you can't afford new. Our club bought a decent used trap for $2500. Are you sure you will use a wobble trap enough to spend the extra money? I only bring it up because some clubs have said once the newness wears off, they never use the wobble setting anymore.

    turbo38gn likes this.
  4. kilmon

    kilmon Active Member

    Pat. Anything else is an imitation. Especially if you're a volunteer club, keeps the volunteers from constantly working on the trap.
  5. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    That's where I'm leaning, Pat trap... we have the money to do it right. I'm looking at having the wobble as an added attraction to more shooters. Not sure how much we would save without it. I also couldd use some info on the remote speaker system, for activating the machine..
  6. bill sparling

    bill sparling Active Member

    Pat trap with voice pulls, done deal
    History Seeker and turbo38gn like this.


    We have an assortment of trap machines, but I second the voice pulls for sure.
    turbo38gn and History Seeker like this.
  8. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    We had a inner club Wobble Trap league at an old club of ours and it worked out great.

    Twice a month for 4 months, and a shoot off.

    Was so popular we ended up with 4 months Wobble, 4 months Doubles league then 4 months Wobble again.

    Amazing the draw these shoots provided, and with all volunteer help.

    Nice part was we welcomed anyone into this league, member or not.

    Most, after being there, took memberships.
  9. trapshooter47

    trapshooter47 US Army Retired US Army Retired Founding Member

    Get the wobble option for sure. It might not get used as much but you have it. Wobble from the 27 is great fun and humbling.
  10. Jakearoo

    Jakearoo Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Allen, I, and my local club, are opposite of you on the wobble setting. We love it.
    It is what we have our PAT trap set on usually. Much more interesting than shooting regulation trap. With the spring as tight as you can get it, it is not a bad alternative to a bunker trap.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 6, 2019
    turbo38gn likes this.
  11. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    I think it's settled, Pat trap ... single, doubles and wobble! Now to pull the trigger.. Best price so far looks to be $7700. Do we have any supporting vendors here that can work with us..
  12. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    Looks like I messed up on the price, 7700 is for the single, double machine, ….. $8500 for the single, double, wobble.. looks like a trip to Henniker is in the schedule next week. Is the difference in price between the Mec and Pat-trap worth it.. $2000 difference ….
    Also, looks like the BRB voice activated system will be with it..
  13. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    Do the Pat trap. Pat seems to be the most used trap now days. Service is good and parts are available.
    turbo38gn likes this.
  14. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Roger C. posts on this sight, he is the man to go to on questions about trap machines, has been in the business for like a hunnert years ... He owned QRP (Quality Replacement Parts ) for trap machines and rebuilding them for ever ... Pats are the industry standard today, but he may have other ideas that you will find you can put to good use .. WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2019
    History Seeker and turbo38gn like this.
  15. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    Update ………

    Lets just say … we made a decision! …….. New Hampshire was a 2hr drive from me. I got to see where they are built, talk to the guys doing it... it was pretty kewl …. in the woods of NH.. After our sunday morning trap shoot … that ole reliable Western is coming out and the new Pat Trap is going in!! …. and soon … a pair of Pat Trap skeet machines will be next!

    Thanks for all the input!

    Pattrap.jpg Pattrap2.jpg
    Ken Cerney likes this.
  16. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    And to think I picked up four little used Super Stars two weeks ago for $500 each. The trap range switched over to PATS. Does anyone believe I got ripped off?
    wpt, Ken Cerney and turbo38gn like this.
  17. turbo38gn

    turbo38gn obsessed newbie

    that sounds like a "smoking" deal! Whatcha doing with them...
  18. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Roger C. has been in the business for many years, he swears by the Super Stars ... In my humble opinion if any one would know or have knowledge of the trap machines and the industry I think it would be him ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    turbo38gn likes this.
  19. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    I sort of donated 'em to one of our local clubs. In other words, I felt sorry for the club manager and charged him $2,000 for all four. Two of 'em had a damaged support ring on top of the carousal. I'm sure they can easily be replaced. Didn't make a dime on the deal but I'm sure I'll be remembered in heaven. Now he has nine superstars, five Remington 4100's and a few old Western handsets for his 6 trap layout. To say he's a hoarder is an understatement. My guess is in a few years they'll be laying in the shed in pieces as he'll never need purchase trap parts again when one breaks. That's his typical ritual.
    wpt, HistoryBuff and turbo38gn like this.