I heard this week end that there might be a chance for the squads to to be able to choose the background they are going to shoot at. The discussion was something along the lines of they were going to project onto the screen an image of background, so you could choose Vandalia, or a host of other venues. Maybe mountains, or hills or ???? Sounds kind of interesting. Each squad could pick their favorite venue. If it's not true, it should be. We could probably pick up some younger shooters by putting up some video game backgrounds.
One screen dedicated to a picture of the delegates that have helped keep the voting secret. A picture of them all sitting on their hands as another free gun is given away in the foreground. I would like to see Dedpair’s PA delegate friends sitting up front with a smirk. Need a caption at the bottom saying “what happens at a BOD meeting stays at the BOD meeting.” Or another caption saying “snitches get stitches”.