Dysinger State of the ATA/Union address Part 1

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by BRAD DYSINGER, Jan 24, 2019.


    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    I've decided that the times call for some serious action and since our President has had to cancel his state of the union address I thought I'd give the readers of this web site (and the spies from the kool aid site) my take on the state of the ATA and organized trap shooting in the USA.

    If I could draw a graph I'd (Neil may draw one for me if he likes) show the opposite direction that the economy of the USA and the ATA are headed. Unemployment is the lowest in 50 years, while the last GRAND has shooter numbers that are equal to before the Korean War.

    The President has to deal with FAKE NEWS every day. CNN, MSNBC, CBS, the WASHINGTON POST, the NY TIMES, trap shooting has deal with fake news put out by the ATA ED and EC themselves. I guess I could add trap & field, the ATA web site, the kool aid site (if anything other than 7 1/2's or 8's would be a topic of talk.)

    The registered shooters have to deal with their National Organization being located in one of the top three most anti gun states in the country, a state that is constantly taxing guns, or ammo, or gun dealers, and now led by the most anti gun governor in my memory. What could go wrong? Oh yes more regulation and a higher minimum wage too. Just a FANTASTIC DIRECTION.

    In every State of the Union speech some coming programs are announced, so for trap shooting I'll tell you that the planned shot screen for the Cardinal Center is bought and paid for (Trump can't get a wall but Ohio Trap Shooters are getting a fence) and scheduled to begin installation as soon as the weather allows.

    I wonder what the big bitch will be about banks 5 and 6 now. I would like to hear from the stooges aka the KOOL AID boys, or a Graph, we need a graph.

    I'll let all this sink in for slow minded Sparta supporters before continuing with Part 2.

    Brad Dysinger 2000 HOF Inductee
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2019
    Ken Cerney, rrisum, Kevin and 6 others like this.
  2. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Please give us part two quickly .It may take the kool aid drinkers weeks to digest part one. As you know they are very weak between the ears. Roger C.
    Ken Cerney, wpt and Par4 like this.
  3. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    Brad...,thanks for part one. Part 2 should include a quick mention that half the funds came from a grant from Ohio. Using the same funds that could have put the screens at Vandalia. I hope the next part of the address includes some plans about the ata vendors being hit with license fees at the other venue. Sucks to be them. Waiting for page two.
  4. Par4

    Par4 Well-Known Member

    Brad.....I mean...Mr. President:

    What color curtain? Will target color be determined by hands on lab work?
  5. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    I understand that there will be a sharp contrast between color of target and screen...except traps 5 & 6. There both target and screen will be Mossy Oak.
  6. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    To the mod...

    Guess you need to change my handle to "President's Friend" ( I hope )

    I like it !
    Ken Cerney and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  7. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    Dems are starting their 2020 campaign already -- Why not you? -- You got my vote -- Will put up a yard sign -- Guaranteed to last long than my trump sign did in my yard
  8. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    The plan to use Mossy Oak camo colored targets proved too difficult. The workers at the target factory couldn't find the targets after the camo coloring was applied. lnstead, all orange targets will be thrown. The shot screens on banks 5 and 6 will be target orange in color so that shooters will not have to change which banks they complain about. Any ATA All Americans that attend will be placed on banks 5 and 6 in an attempt to "level the playing field" with shooters of less skill and ability. Unfortunately the shot screens will not extend all the way down to the ground therefore it will allow the illegals from the sporting clays area to sneak across our border!
  9. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that since the targets on banks 5 and 6 will be darn near impossible to see by the shooters OR the scorekeepers we will be using that new WV method of scoring. The one where you don't use a scorekeeper and just turn in whatever score you feel is appropriate.
  10. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    The really sad thing is the West Virginia method is not new.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  11. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    That is only one of their problems. The main reason is it's tough to read anything when your head is stuck in the sand.
    History Seeker and Ken Cerney like this.