Neil, I would appreciate your opinion on what actions would be required from this day forward, to significantly increase the ATA active membership, to significantly increase the number of ATA targets thrown and to significantly increase the the number of gun clubs throwing ATA targets. Please your list of actions in priority sequence. We all have opinions and I would like you to share yours. I promise that I will respect your opinions and I encourage others readers to do the same. Pointing fingers is not a solution. Do nothing will not significantly increase anything except more distrust. Thank you.
Neil, reference my post above. Surely you must have an opinion on what actions would be required. Don't be bashful.
I was thinking he had yet to resurface since he lost that wager some time back. Maybe this invitational opportunity will bring him out.
Yeah....too many here asking him if he is going to return that gun. I think he said something like he wasn't going to respond to people that just learned to use their thumbs. Great guy. jmho
Why is the goal to increase ATA participation? The more important goal is to get shooters to gun ranges shooting any form of Trap or clay target sport.
357, please start your own post and ask your question on how to get more shooters to gun ranges? Thank you.
Quit asking questions that don't help trapshooting. The ATA is what it is. It's not going to change. It has at least another 15 years in it as is, until the really Old Guard fades from the scene. Leave the ATA alone, and focus on the sport as a whole. ATA trapshooting is only a very small part of the shotgun sports, and probably the easiest discipline in all of the clay target sports. The new Championship Series looks like a really good idea. Put your energies behind that.
All these words of wisdom from the mouth of a non-trapshooter. Best tell him to add another magazine extension to his trusty Mossberg 500 and keep playing video games in momma's basement. Just a troll.
oleolliedawg, Actually 357 makes a lot of sense, THE ATA PROGRESSION TO THE PRESIDENTS SPOT CAN NEVER BE CHANGED. THE MEMBERS HAVE NO WAY OF PURGING THEM OUT OF THE PROGRESSION TO THE TOP. A new organization is the only way to get what the shooters want. He makes more sense than trying to talk to the present EC. They could care less as to what the shooters want. The BOD ARE MOSTLY LEMMINGS, they follow instruction that they are given by the EC, so what good are they. Do you or anyone else really think we will ever see a break down of exactly how much money is given to the EC and Some BOD members for expenses? They will never get off of the gravy train or publish how much is used. Roger C.
Back at ya'. If this place is simply the ATA Reformation Society, it won't go anywhere. The ATA isn't that big. It won't be that difficult to have a competing organization get a significant amount of members in a short period. A bit of advice, have the new association embrace all forms of Trap, American, Wobble, Olympic, and even a few of the more established games. Make the association open and welcoming to informal shooters and events. There's all sorts of possibilities that the ossified ATA will never accept. Hold joint events with Skeet, and have an all-around champion.
Roger, you've been at this game as long as me and both of us saw instances of corruption within the organization. That said, you're in fantasy land if you honestly believe some groups will gather together and start another organization. It's been talked about for decades without venturing one inch in a new direction. The movers and shakers like us are old and burned out while the newbies just want to shoot for trinkets and party at the motor home. Just ask yourself how much shooting ATA targets means to you today compared to years past and the answer will be easy. Let it go and enjoy what's left!
Oleolliedawg, You may be in for a surprise. I'm not talking about an ATA type organization just a shooting fraternity. It can be a group of local sporting groups but never another ATA type of deal. The ATA was stolen from the shooters years ago and no one noticed it was happening. I think it will not happen again. Ohio and PA. have enough shooters to be a good start for a good competitive sporting venue. Not having high gun in every option will give the average shooter a chance at least breaking even Just knowing they have a chance is enough to get them in the game. If there is no money for people in charge to get their hands on the game will prosper. A bank account of $19,000,000. is to much of a carrot for some to not take a bite of. The local clubs that throw the targets will get the money not the ATA that will not give the members an honest account of where it goes. They call it the need to know clause. Roger C.
Every time I see "need to know" I think of Frank Rively. Sorry, didn't mean to take this off the OP's question. Well bashful? SUP?
Roger, every organization throughout the country from VFW's, volunteer fire companies to local gun clubs are having difficulties finding management. The kids don't want it and the old timers are burning out. Our days are over.
Our shooting days may be over but not our gambling days. As someone once said " the casino's are thriving". We have been comped RFB for the last 30 years from AC to Vegas to the Bahamas. I don't miss ata targets one bit.
The cost associated with starting a new shooting organization is probably the biggest hurdle and what will keep it from becoming a reality ... The folks at the PITA should maybe take advantage of the so many shooters who are less than thrilled with the ATA and their actions, but still want to be involved in organized trap shooting ... The PITA has stayed out of the mix for all of the years when things were being corrupted in the ATA, maybe now would be a good time for them to expand, I for one would be very interested ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
I think the biggest challenge is the composition of ATA members and shooters, comprised largely of personality types that are hostile to change and new ideas. Here's another challenge: If we're looking to make Trap more challenging for the good of the sport, we'll have political credibility. If we're looking to change Trap to increase gambling opportunities, we won't be seen as wearing white hats.
357, We will never see any change in the venue for ATA type shooting. The people in charge have seen to it that members have no say in the operations of the association. They are not about to make any changes and loose their cash cow. The members are only given info on a need to know basis, decided by the EC. The BOD is worthless, they are working for the EC and their job is to relate to the shooters what the EC deems they should know. Your first statement is 100% off base. The shooters are against the changes made without any in put by the members. The EC has turned the game into a feel good situation. It is also aimed AT A VERY FEW SHOOTERS THAT CAN DO IT AS A FULL TIME JOB. I have no problem with the best of the best shooters. The ATA should be getting sponsors to put up prize money for the top shooters. and separate the amature from the pro's. Most shooters like to shoot with the top dogs, but they figured out that the money split is not fair to the average guy, so they quite playing options. Then the ATA in their infanit wisdom instituted the high gun rule into the option money. I f there is a 40-30-20-10 split on an option and there are 4 scores tied for high, they take all of the money. A luckey guy that shot the second high score gets zip. The group that has been in charge of the ATA for about the last 20 years will be known as the murderers of a once loved association. Some day a young history buff will inform shooters what happened to the Amatuer trap shooting Assoc. back in the late 1990's. Just my opinion what is yours Roger C.