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  1. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I need a little help with this please. I was bored and surfing a little when I decided to check in on my old pals on another site. I came across this little gem from one of their more prolific posters.

    Family guy, merlo, butterly, limashooter, user1, flyersarebest, etc., etc..........all the same guy using different screen names......…

    I would post the name of this prophylactic shooter but then my post would get taken down so I'm asking anyone that still goes there to find this guy under their US open thread and post this for me.

    I am not the same person as any of the ones you named in your remarks. I propose a wager between you (prolific shooter) and myself in the amount of $1000.00;

    If I'm the same poster as ANY of the above people I will send a USPS money order in the amount of $5000.00 directly to you.

    If on the other hand I am NOT the same, YOU send a USPS money order made out to American Trapshooter in the amount of $1000.00.

    I'm even giving this guy great odds.

    Maybe our resident graph master n1h1 could convey the message. He is on there all the time and I'm SURE this person would respond to him.

    Simple request, go on there, find the person that wrote the "all the same person" crap and tell him to back it up with the bet. Someone might have to hunt through about 44 posts but they should be able to find it.

    You can also tell him that if he can't handle that much action he could get the guys that "thanked" with him to share the risk. They can split the 5K anyway they choose. Or they can ask him how much he is short on the $1000.00 and kick in. I doubt if he has $10.00 to lose let alone $1000.00 but that is his problem. He didn't have any trouble writing what he did.

    EASY MONEY for our site.

    Thank You,

    BTW, I wouldn't bet any of you guys $1.00 that this guy won't respond and not have the balls to take the bet. I just hope he doesn't bump into John Wick that came on here and found out that one has to think before opening their yaps.

    Come to think about it, this guy must come on here to snoop or he wouldn't know all the names he posted.
    Hey, big mouth, there's the bet. If you're reading this you probably got that same sick feeling John Wick got when he realized he screwed up huh? Open mouth, insert foot!
    wpt likes this.
  2. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Heck ..... no need to let someone obsessed with this site bother you .....

    His ?, "hunter44's", ONLY contribution to cyber-chat ANYWHERE is to worry about what happens HERE .....

    Offering a "bet" to the likes of "ol'N1H1", or "hunter44", is a pure waste of time that One can think about something Trapshooting .....

    FWIW ..... I have NEVER made a post HERE under ANY other "User Name" ..... so, enjoy being "butt-hurt" "hunter44", it makes a waste of time seem less the waste .....
    Flyersarebest and wpt like this.
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I wasn't bothered by it. I saw a chance to get the site a few bucks. That and to teach the moron a lesson.

    I didn't offer a bet to n1h1 aka NW. I thought he might convey the message, that's all. If I can remember my password I'll go on there and tell that prolific poster myself.
    wpt likes this.
  4. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Some things will never change, there you have proof positive ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  5. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I reset my password, no need for n1h1 to help me. (LIKE THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN)

    We will see what transpires now that the poster has been notified of the wager.
    wpt likes this.
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