This is a shout out and thanks to all forum members and closet readers. This forum was started because many of those on this forum were tossed from other forums, (not just one) for discussing many of the subjects here. I remember going to the Cardinal Classic 3 years ago. Brad Dysinger said, "I hear you got tossed again." Frustrated, I told Brad that the only reason he wasn't tossed was because he knows where the bodies are buried.. He laughed..."what are you going to do about it?" "Start our our own forum." "What do you know about forums?" he said. "Only that this is our sport. It will be our forum. We will have it by January." It's your sport. It is your forum.
The mod's are not paid and there are mods that are behind the scenes. The moderators are permitted to participate in the forum and they do not agree on all issues. is the best thing that has happened to trap shooting and "Real" trap shooters and has been proven time and time again ... There are those who say they won't shop at Wal Mart, they are the same ones who sneak in on to see whats really happening in and about the world, but they will never admit to either one ... It appears as one site grows, others seems to become stagnant and are just there for no real reason ... Here's to another year and hopes for many more after that ... " Good Job guys" ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
Joe can you draw me up a graph of our conversation, or at least a chart? And Joe not only do I know where the bodies are I know who put them there and why. Brad h
Brad is in the HOF, that is why he never had the honor of being booted ... Plus he is a big time advertiser so what would you expect ..? He graduated to Moderator over here so things are looking up .... Happy New Year one and all ... WPT ... (YAC) ...