Where will the SCTP hold their National Tournament and College National Tournaments in the future? The Cardinal Center stepped up to the plate when Illinois temporarily shuttered the WSRC, followed by a series of MOU's. (whatever those are or aren't)Previously the SCTP tournaments were at the WSRC.
If the WSRC stays open I believe they'll go back there. As much as I like the CC (and it's my home grounds) it was too crowded and too dusty during the SCTP event.
It would be hard to believe that they would go back to the WSRC after the CC invested so much to bail them out and provide a place for them to have their shoot last year. Gratitude?
Columbus....sometimes I read your posts and figure what planet you are on when you type. Dusty? I shoot most of the shoots there. Dust aint a problem.
I shoot every shoot there, practice there, park my motor home there and was there during the SCTP shoot and it was super dusty going to pistol range, the skeet range and the parking areas.
It was dusty as they had just created the road a few weeks before. Those were new ranges. Roads are different now. But of course you know that. A few months earlier that area was all farm fields. Jack spent a ton of money on those ranges in a few months for the SCTP. Troll on.
Someone likes WSRC. Turning down the CC after the million or so Jack invested for them? I expect that door to close permanently if they go back to Sparta.
I personally think someone is speculating about returning to the WRSC GB.........................................DLS
It isn't me, as I've never been there and living 30 minutes from the CC I'm not likely to go regardless of the WSRC outcome. The OP asked a survey question about where the SCTP will go in the future. None of us know, any answer is speculation - a vote is for what you wish it to be, so I didn't vote, I wrote a response. I want the CC to be the premier shooting facility in the country and I think it's definitely headed in that direction. My response to the OP was based on my conversations with some of the SCTP families and seeing some comments on other websites. Not all, but most told me they liked CC, would rather stay/camp there but would rather shoot at the WRSC. Negative comments were parking, parking, parking, dust/grit and overcrowding. Again, I am all the way in for the CC, but I do believe (not wish) that if given the choice between the two venues, quite a few of the SCTP families would choose the WSRC.
CC will only get better while WRSC will slide further into the dumpster. I'd put my money on the future.
If I were to venture a guess, I would presume the Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation's SCTP group will enter into a contract with the Cardinal Center. Their expense will be much less, they'll know the place will be open for their championships and the many amenities for the family makes the decision a "no brainer". Of course its just my speculation.
I was at the CC for the SCTP. Great place. Dust was not an issue. Can't figure that one out. One of the backroads to the pistol range hadnt been paved yet. Parking was not even close to an issue either. More than enough room. The way it is scheduled you dont have everyone parking at the entry building to register. Sparta is a shorter drive for me but....... In my opinion it will be at the CC. Convenience and a feeling of comradery and a closer atmosphere and reliability gave it my vote. I heard the vote for the place was close to 70%. It will be at the CC if they can get a contract. just my 02.
Business people make strange bedfellows. I do not see the SCTP getting to go back if they turn down the CC. If that door closes it wont re-open, especially after the CC's investment. Maybe the IDNR will give the place away. This decision will be a permanent one.